Chapter 27 - True Intentions - Part 2

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A stifled silence hung over the courtroom, nobody daring to let their beading sweat so much as roll down their shaking bodies while they tried with all their might to force themselves still, as useless as it was.

The reason for their fear was not because of how you, the only dragon in the world, had pinned Eren's head under your feet with the razor-sharp talons slowly squeezing his head, the young boy thrashing and yelling in clear pain and discomfort as his skull slowly compressed in on his clearly small brain.

No, their fear was becoming the next victim as they all watched your eyes, previously (E/C), morph into bright purple pupils filled with domination and ceaseless hunger, floating in a dangerous and infinite inky black void, daring someone to so much as whimper...

Of course just outside your field of vision the obvious protector of the pathetic half human under your heel tried to jump to railing to rush you, with nothing but her fists it would seem, yet both Erwin and Levi roughly pulled her back while the small blond twig who was her friend trying to help calm her down somewhat before you moved your imperious gaze down to the hissing and bleeding man-child beneath you.

(Y/N): "...You are a human, a leeching parasite, a filthy monkey...A stain on this world...I am a dragon, a being of power, a king, a god...a true monster..."

Your words were slow yet hit strong, heavy yet  as fast as a whip, they carried a double edged meaning that somehow befuddled the young boy even as his head was threatening to spill its contents on the small stand, his defiance having fizzled out when he realised he was in a very serious situation nobody is willing or even could help him out of.

(Y/N): "I've watched cities rise and fall, empires built from nothing and crumbling into nothing, entire civilisations reduced to ash and rubble...I've lived longer then you could imagine and far longer then that still."

Your eyes burned a hole not only into Eren's bowed head but into all of theirs, now locking your gaze with Erwin who was trying his best to hide the concerned frown on his features with an occasional worried glance down to the boys head pinned to the floor.

(Y/N): "And yet you humans are what keep surprising me. Your naivety, your weak will and weaker faith, you have been given a chance for salvation, repentance, time and time again. But you were blinded by your own ignorance and greed to realise it."

As you talked, your voice reverberated off the walls of the large hall, echoing in the humans ears before they noticed something else in the air...smoke? Chanting?

The door to the courtroom opened, the robed unidentifiable priests, following the tall man who was their leader entered to the shock of some while it only highness the fear and nerves of those who knew of these unknown priests and their correlation to the dragon.

Of course the leader of the scouting regiment knew exactly who these figures were, having obsessed over them for months before finally they indirectly lead him straight to you, but the most eye catching of them all was the leader, the old man now unhooded and bald with black tattoos painting his skin, reaching around his face and down his throat like claws of a predator around it's meek prey.

The followers trailing behind him, holding smoking incense swinging on a chain, wore similar robes with their hoods up, the same tattoos on their obscured faces though less detailed and reaching from the black like shadows seeking to engulf what remains.

Their chanting slowly quieted down, unintelligible and seemingly nonsense but nobody dared to speak up about it or address the sudden new additions in the hearing. Even Zachary, the current judge, seemed hesitant to proceed as he tightly gripped his gavel and stared wide eyed at the now seething dragon and his cult.

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