Chapter 3 - Seeing is Believing

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-Levi's PoV-
I had to chase after Shitty Glasses again after she ran off, chasing another Titan. What is with her fascination with them anyway? I don't really want to know the answer.

I finally caught up with her, the Titan she was chasing gone. "Oi! Shitty Glasses, what have I told you about running off?!" I scowled at her, slowing the horse down as I came along side her, but she didn't respond, looking out at a field instead.

"Are you listening me?" I asked her, yet she didn't break her gaze with the field ahead of us. "Oi!" I tried again, but still to no avail.

I scowled and turned to see what was so interesting, but if I'm being honest...I really wish I hadn't. The field was littered with the skeletons and half eaten corpses of Titan's. Grass, dirt, tree's and their skeletons soaked and dripping with Crimson blood that steamed. Intestines scattered and bleeding, chunks taken from them as though something was eating them.

"I've never seen something like this before..." Hanji finally spoke up, staring at the gruesome scene as I tore my gaze from it to her. "...What do you think Levi?"

I looked to the field and back to her, sighing as I failed to put rational thought behind this. "What ever did this, is bound to still be around. Those bodies are fresh...We should-" I never got to finish before the head of a Titan fell down in front of us, to be more precise, the Titan she was chasing earlier.

We looked at each other before slowly turning upwards. There was the Titan she was chasing, but something was holding it up and what ever it was, it seemed to be hungry if the massive bite marks and torn flesh is any thing to go by. The Titan was bended in an unnatural way, allowing what ever the thing to eat it was to have access to it's fat stomach.

The horses suddenly backed up and neighed loudly, the crunching above us stopping instantly. It was only a few seconds but it felt like and eternity as pure dead silence covered the area, neither me or Hanji making a move.

Suddenly the Titans corpse came crashing down, landing heavily in front of us as the horses panicked. I quickly looked up to see two pure purple eye's glaring down at us. A black, almost invisible mass which must be it's body behind it as it climbed down the tree, not breaking eye contact with me.

Finally it jumped off the remainder of the tree as it was finally revealed, and my stony expression broke, shock taking it's place. I couldn't believe it, the thing standing in front of us was the exact same creature the scouting member told me and Erwin. It's midnight black scales absorbing the sun's rays, a wicked barbed tail waiting to strike, it's haunting stare piercing through me.

Everything was muted as we stared at each other, not feeling the tugging on my arm or hearing the shouting in my ear as Hanji tried pulling my away. But a sharp slap from her snapped me out of it, getting my attention as I came back to me senses. "C'mon Levi! We gotta go!" She yelled at me, our horses already sprinting away from the creature, but it didn't chase us, only watch as we left.

But as I turned back to it, the last thing I saw of it was that cruel smile. The same smile we refused to believe.

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