Chapter 29 - Change

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Carla was currently stirring the fires to heat up the small room, just behind her on the table was an already laid out breakfast, humming a small melody to herself as she did so with a faint smile on her face at the familiar motion and how quiet it was in the house. Though while that may be attributed to how early the housewife had woken, it was also due to the fact her reptilian lover had yet to awaken from their bed.

She paused to think back on when you two first meet, a dangerous and admittedly terrifying time when she believed she was a hostage or probably a later snack for the massive dragon. Neither you nor herself could've guessed the two of you would be sharing a bed in the future, the ridiculousness of it almost making the woman giggle before looking down from the fire to her feet. A thoughtful frown slowly replacing the gentle smile she had.

Truely, if it wasn't for (Y/n) she'd be dead, crushed by her home and eaten by that hideous Titan if it wasn't for you. She can vaguely recall you landing on the monster, making it explode with a show of gore and bloody mist. Maybe she threw something? Or perhaps you simply turned to her, but either way you had taken the broken woman from her home and deep into the territory outside the walls.

She was terrified for her life, screaming and crying hysterically for the massive monster to release her from its grip. Thinking back on it she might have wished to be more careful with her words back then, considering before she changed him, the (Y/n) from before was significantly more twisted and sadistic. Sure he might not care about any human life besides her, but at least he wasn't actively hunting other humans so that's a plus...

She shook her head, the heat from the fire now warming Carla all the way through as she stepped back and turned her head slightly to look up at the stairs leading to the second story, letting another wide smile grace her face.

(Y/n) was...difficult. He was determined, and yet aloof while never being one to shirk responsibility or waver under any circumstances. He always seemed so in control, like he planned for things to happen...though he was obviously still new to feelings like belonging, companionship and, obviously, love.

A mighty dragon he might be, but the large male could never adjust to Carla's seemingly endless teasing, random displays of affection, her gentle kisses or when she simply cuddled up to him and says 'I love you.'.

That last one made her pause, a bigger and more dreamy smile replacing her small one with a giggle following soon after.

She obviously missed her previous husband, he was a good man doing good things. But she couldn't grieve forever, and whether he knew it or not, (Y/n) was there for her following the many months after her kidnapping. To comfort her, talk to her, help her walk again and even go as far as to being her back food and drink to sustain the woman. How could she not fall for him after all that?

But those words, 'I love you.', the dragon was mostly unfamiliar with love and it's customs, but the day they told each other was something she will cherish forever.

(Y/n) was such a stubborn ass, so he refused to admit he was under the influence of such a strange emotion and feeling so weak and giddy with her around, it made her go mad or worry that he wasn't picking up on any of her hints once they were back in civilisation. Thankfully he actually did know, and recognise her signals, but the fool never thought much about it thanks to him not understanding humans quite yet.

She finally had to lead him away from the general population, lock him in a room and force him to sit down, shut up and listen to her.

That was also the first time she saw him blush, clearly tinted purple on his pale skin and black scales as the male quickly took his place on a desk in the empty room.

Thinking back on it she shouldn't be so surprised, her beloved had come to tell her that dragons respected shows of strength and force, so when a 'potential' mate showed these attributes, on himself no less, he found himself experiencing first hand what embarrassment and slight arousal felt like.

Regardless, she finally had him still and in once place, ready to listen...and so he did. She blurted our everything she felt, all modesty flying out the window as she gave her heart to (Y/n) who looked on with a gaze of wonder and what could've been hope.

Eventually she was left panting and nervous, watching the dragon closely as he rocked on his heels, claws tapping the wooden surface in thought as his eyes looked everywhere but her. She wasn't the only one nervous though as, with some difficulty, (Y/n) forced himself to meet her gaze with his cheeks practically burning with his unique purple tint.

But he didn't speak, or at least he tried too but nothing came out as he opened and closed his mouth repeatedly, unable to work out how to form his words with a obvious growing frustration.

For a moment she was worried, scared even that you'd reject her and her feelings...

At least, Carla was until she felt your lips press up against her own, a warmth like a fire surging through her head to toe, tingling her body and making her lightheaded as the human woman wrapped her arms around your neck.

Desperate to press herself as close to you as possible.

When the two finally parted she simply gave the 'mighty' dragon a flirty smile with her own face burning red in embarrassment and pure happiness.

She didn't even say anything, instead leaning in for another kiss from her new beloved, and another...and another...and many more after that...

She was shaken from her daydreaming when a pair of strong, warm arms coated in smooth scales slid around her waist, pulling her back against the even warmer chest she had become so familiar with a happy sigh.

Preemptively she leaned her head to the side, a wider smile fluttering across her face as she felt you plant soft kisses along her neck, your lips like silk across her skin as she sighed once more in content.

(Y/n): "Good morning..."

She giggled, turning her head once again to meet your face and tilting forward slightly to grant you a soft peck.

Carla: "Morning. I made breakfast."

You hummed, feeling your mate press further back against you while spying the still steaming and freshly made food waiting for you on the table.

As usual you had a bit...more, to your plate than your human sweetheart. But that only made you smile while she turned around in your grip to cuddle into you, offering no resistance when you guided the two of you to the waiting breakfast and taking a seat with the mature woman taking her place in your lap.

Carla watched you for a moment, a big dreamy smile on her face as she felt you kiss her cheek with a thank you whispered in her ear before you got to eating. And with another giggle, she followed suit, grin widening as you leaned down and whispered into her ear again, the woman returning the words nearly at the same time with the same flutter in her heart.

"I love you..."

AoT x Male Dragon Reader (Discontinued - Being Rebooted)Where stories live. Discover now