Chapter 8 - A necessary evil

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+y/n POV+

I was soaring above the smoking and destroyed city, the Titan's aimlessly wandering through the ruined and bloody street's as many were feasting in human remains. Why they fought back against these monsters, you will never know, but they weren't successful in the slightest as more of their number died to the behemoths.

After some more flying I notice a abandoned part of the ruined city, a lone Titan making it's way to a crushed dwelling as the small shapes if humans were seen around it. I didn't know why they got my attention, but it was annoying and distracting enough for me to swoop down with a snarl and a vicious roar.

+Eren's  POV+

The beam was too heavy, the Titan was getting too close to the house, my mother was begging me to leave with the garrison soldier. It was too much, to hard to stay calm as I tried to shout back with my own voice, but it was too late as the soldier picked me and Mikasa up. I helplessly watched as the smiling monster reached down to my pinned mother. But before he could run a jarring and bone chilling roar was heard above us, the Titan looked scared...Titans never get scared.

My answer as to what caused this was immediately answered as a huge and frightening creature landed atop the Titan, squishing it as blood and guts sprayed out in a gruesome show.

Once the mist of blood settled I lowered my arms before silently gasping, as before me was something that was as tall as a 15 meter Titan, only it looked like a lizard.

I was I shock and awe, unable to react, even as the creature set it's sights on me and me alone.

+y/n POV+

You stared down at this small human, his scent, it wasn't like the other, it wasn't wasn't human. With a snarl and a warning hiss you leaned down slightly before a woman's cries distracted you for a second, giving the other humans enough time to take the boy away and run.

With a snort you watched as a pinned woman tried throwing a tile at you, obviously failing as she broke down into sobs. You cared little for this woman, but she has the boys scent on her so she was important as far as you cared.

With a growl you grabbed the woman and the beam she was trapped under in your claws, huffing before spreading your wings and taking off with ease as the woman's cries of panic and fear followed shortly after. And in the distance, just barely, you could hear the small insignificant voice of a child calling out to his parent.

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