Chapter 153: The Definition of Unity

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"Get the buckets!" A dwarf cried at the top of his lungs, frantic eyes darting around the burning forge. Several dwarfs ran back and forth, trying to put out raging fires that sprung up around the forge. Mini explosions sent dwarfs scampering for cover and even more running for the anti-flame solutions. A shout drew the dwarf's attention to a bucket with a dark-blue liquid in it. The dwarf screamed his thanks as he grabbed the bucket and then tossed its contents onto the mountain of pelts.

Several dwarfs picked up buckets filled with the solution and began dousing the flames. Thankfully, the solution proved effective as the fires soon began to quickly die down, leaving a rotten stench and thick smoke in the air. Strangely though, aside from a few wry grins, the dwarfs' eyes shone with excitement through their soot-covered faces as they collectively gathered around a part of the forge with the most damage.

It was into this environment that Kashi, Otto, and Larsial rushed. Kashi and Larsial's brows knotted in confusion as the pungent stench assaulted their nostrils. Otto briefly explained the smell's source before he pulled a dwarf in to explain what the hell just happened. Strangely, upon hearing the report, Otto's eyes lit up with similar excitement. He would have left Kashi and Larsial behind if the daebens hadn't grabbed both shoulders.

"Otto-san, care to share what with the rest of us?" Kashi questioned with a teasing grin.

Otto, whose body shook with the impatience of a child at a playground, returned the teasing grin with one of his own, "This, This you should see for yourself." With those words, he shrugged off the daebens' grips and darted toward the enclosure.

Kashi and Larsial shared a look. Kashi let out a sly grin then rushed after Otto, leaving an exasperated Larsial to chase after his back. Upon reaching the multitude of dwarfs, Otto and Kashi abused their statuses to squeeze through the packed crowd. With a bit of hesitation, Larsial tugged at the hood of the jacket Kashi gave her, so it covered her face, then followed Kashi's lead.

The trio exited the dwarven cluster to see Absalon dressed in a casual set of red robes and a couple of his lieutenants surrounding a large pile of ash and two individuals on their knees. Absalon's eyes were drawn in a tight frown as he glared at the culprits of the fiasco. However, a small smile at the corner of his lips revealed traces of amusement at the situation.

Absalon looked up, a relieved sigh escaping his lips as Kashi and company came to his side. His brow rose as he spotted Larsial, but in the end, he chose to ignore her presence for now. "It is good to see you, Kashi," Absalon greeted with a formal salute before taking Kashi's hand in a firm handshake. "I can't begin to express how glad I am to see you here."

"The feeling's mutual Absalon-san," Kashi returned with a smile. He looked at the kneeling culprits and, with a teasing smile, questioned, "What have we here?"

Absalon let out an exasperated sigh. "These two were apparently conducting some sort of experiment. Things got out of hand, and here we are." Absalon shrugged. "They've been kneeling in apology since." Faced with Kashi's mocking, accusatory glance, Absalon quickly defended himself. "Hey, they're not soldiers under my jurisdiction. I did not make them do this. They chose this of their own volition."

"Hm, is that right?" Kashi light-heartedly said. "Well, accidents are an integral part of innovation," said Kashi with a friendly smile as he turned to look at the culprits. "So, Jerxas-san, Jade, want to tell me what you two were working on?"

Jade, understanding she had already gotten the pardon, instantly raised her head, the brightest, animated smile on her face. If there was even the slightest bit of remorse at the repercussions of their previous failure, it was long gone. "So, remember how Suzuki and I created a frost array in the other world?"

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