Chapter 211: Empire's Foundation

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Redmont Manor,


12:30 p.m. 19th Banem 1092.


Since time immemorial, empires have differed from kingdoms and countries. The formation of an empire was a statement of intent. Unlike kingdoms and nations, empires always sought to expand, conquering and absorbing land into themselves. An empire was a symbol of power. A statement that left surrounding nations trembling in fear and rage.

Empires were also harbingers of bloodshed, their rise often synonymous with decades of bloodshed as the lives of countless men and women were sacrificed to the altar of expansion.

The continent of Destia had been host to thousands of kingdoms. But only a handful of nations had ever tried to declare themselves an empire. Unfortunately, each of these nations was set upon by the others once they did.

The closest any nation had gotten to calling themselves an empire were the daebens during the daeben wars. Unfortunately, because of the countless civil wars in each conquered territory, they never found the stability required to announce themselves as an empire.

As a result of all these factors and more, no country had come close to upgrading to an empire – at least until this moment.

What Rosendun was about to accomplish was without precedent. Not only were they aiming to become an empire, but they were to fulfill that aim through peaceful negotiations rather than bloodshed.

Of course, everyone present knew that this was only for the moment. From the moment the empire was officially formed, it would suffer attacks from every side. However, despite this threat, the parties present had strengthened their resolve to see this through to the end.

Such was the mentality of a conqueror.

Resolve and pride shone in King Parissius's eyes as he gazed around the room. In response, King Xafier and King Chu's sat upright, an equal resolve displayed in their strong gazes. King Parissius looked at the two kings and then, after receiving approving nods from both men, looked at Leila. "This opportunity has only arrived before us thanks to the hardwork and sacrifices of the Hopeful Maggots guild. If there are no objections, I would like to formally appoint Ms. Leila Lightwood, vice-guildmaster of the Hopeful Maggots, as the arbitrator of this agreement."

The power of the Hopeful Maggots' vice-guildmaster's reputation was clear to all as neither King Chu nor King Xafier objected to this. King Chu had dealt directly with Leila and knew her to be a strong, capable, but fair woman. He had no doubt in his mind that she would be a neutral moderator.

King Xafier might not have dealt with Leila, but the legend of the Hopeful Maggots' vice-guildmaster had spread far beyond the borders of Rosendun. From what he'd heard, coupled with his relationship with Kashi, King Xafier saw no reason to doubt Leila Lightwood's fairness.

King Parissius looked at Leila, and then with a smile, said, "You may proceed," and then took his seat.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," thanked Leila with a polite bow. She then looked around, matching the gazes of every soul in the room, and said, "I, Leila Lightwood, once again welcome you all to this historic event. The formation of an empire is no small feat. It is only possible today thanks to the hardwork, sacrifice, and loyalty of every man and woman in all three nations." Leila paused to let her words sink in and then qualified, "This might be a great moment, but we must not let ourselves get carried away. A mansion built on sand will crumble under the slightest pressure. Today, we gather, not just to found a new empire, but to ensure it is built upon the most solid foundation possible."

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