Chapter 148: Where Men Gather...

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Training Hall 3,

Fourth Floor,

Learning Building 2.

Klack! Kataka...

Rhythmic bursts akin to drumsticks against stone rang out in the training room as a familiar figure weaved his way through the series of angry dummies intent on smashing him. The sweaty figure measured the incoming dummies, reddened eyes evidence of his intense concentration. Despite this, his expression was flat as he slapped and redirected dummies out of his path. His feet made small, graceful steps, which, while seemingly slow at first glance, somehow transported him across the platform within a few seconds.

Most shockingly, however, was the number displayed on the regulator on the foot of the machine. Lv 9!

This number would cause a massive uproar in the outside world if it ever got out. The ninth level of the device was above what the special military divisions could handle. Perhaps only those reclusive monsters who spent all their life training to break past humanity's limits and attain the pinnacle of body development could achieve such results. Still, though, those people usually only reached that level after decades of effort and training. Even those eccentric geniuses had to wait until their thirties before reaching the physical requirements needed for achieving the ninth level.

However, in this training room tucked away from the eyes of the world, a young man was currently upending this school of thought by not only challenging the ninth level but managing to hold on past the ten-minute mark.

Unfortunately, judging by the prominent veins on the young man's neck and the trembling calves, he would not be able to hold on for much longer. Actually, this much should be expected. If this young man beat the ninth level, he would no longer be a 'genius' but a real monster at the pinnacle of human fitness. When one considered the young man was no more than twenty years at the most, that 'monster' title could only be changed to 'fiend.'

The young man barely dodged an incoming arm then swiftly placed his right leg behind him as he made to shift to the next 'safe zone.' Unfortunately, it seemed his leg muscles could no longer handle the torture as they locked in place, momentarily trapping the young man. This lockdown only lasted for a split second. Usually, he would have been able to recover with a quick shake of his leg. Unfortunately, this training equipment did not care for his predicament. Hence he would be swiftly punished for the lapse in movement.

The young man grit his teeth and sharply pulled backward. His hands flew out, rapidly slapping away the dummies that approached. In that split second, he managed to repel five dummies, but rather than celebrate, his brows furrowed in vexation. Behind the five he slapped away were many more dummies. Even if he was in top condition, he knew he would not be able to make it to the 'safe' zone, which had shifted a meter ahead, hidden behind a storm of arms.

Suzuki's eyes grew cold as he glared at the impossible odds. It was quite irritating, really. When it came to reactions, he could pinpoint all the steps he would need to make it to that zone safely. Unfortunately, ever since Razznik, Suzuki's mind and body were often out of sync. He could often predict or see an attack coming, but his body would not follow through on his desired line of attack.

The same situation was occurring at that moment.

Suzuki closed his eyes, deciding to leave his next move to his instincts. He had already mapped out the required steps. Whether he could make it or not would depend on his body. Even though he knew his own body well enough to know he would never make it, he had never been the type to sit and wait for death.

Unbeknownst to Suzuki, his cells began to jump with excitement as if cheering for him. His heartbeat accelerated. Veins popped on his arms and legs as torrents of blood surged through his system. With a roar, Suzuki willed his body to move!

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