Chapter 198: The Prophecy

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Aygorzi, Merriheim.

9:34 p.m. 17th Banem, 1092

Kashi and Jade decided to shelve the matter of the mana boosters to a later date, having made more than sufficient progress on their current projects. After discussing some formalities with the daeben women that she'd been working with, Jade followed Kashi and the Maggots to Aygorzi's underground Royal Palace.

The guards at the palace recognized both Kashi and Otto Knutsen. They thus allowed the party through after informing the daeben that the dwarven king had been expecting them.

Kashi nodded his thanks and then walked through a large doorway fit for giants into the opulent throne room. "It's the same," Kashi mused inwardly as he admired the beautiful walls and varnished pillars. The daeben had his first meeting with the council of six in this hall. "Ah, no. Something's changed," said the daeben as he gazed at the new golden throne, upon which sat the new dwarven king, Anton Xafier, listening to the counsel of a minister.

Several dwarven ministers stood in front of the King in neat rows, waiting their turn to offer counsel or debate some topic or another. Kashi spotted Yngvar Kernode, Paaie Nilsen, and Ulla Tav among the first row, signifying their prestige among the dwarven council.

"Hold, Dyron," King Xafier prompted the moment he spotted Kashi's party. "A guest of great import has come to visit." King Xafier laughed as he rose from his throne and walked down the steps, much to the ministers' mortification. The king, however, ignored the minsters' silent protests and approached the daeben with a wide grin.

"Kashi-dono, words cannot convey how glad I am to see you," King Xafier expressed as he held out his right hand. The sharp-eyed dwarf would have gone for a hug, but from what he'd seen of Kashi, the daeben did not appear to be the hugging type.

"The pleasure is mine, Your Majesty," Kashi humbly greeted with a smile and nodded. "Unfortunately, I am afraid this is not a social visit. I come to you with grave matters that require urgent attention."

Behind Kahsi, Syèl leaned over to Shadow and whispered. "Does he always talk like that?"

"You get used to it," Shadow replied with a shrug. Having accompanied Kashi longer than almost any other Maggot, the assassin had seen Kashi switch to this archaic formal speech whenever he spoke with someone the daeben felt deserved respect.

King Xafier, meanwhile, furrowed his brows upon hearing Kashi's news. "I had hoped to prepare a celebratory feast as congratulations for the successful skyboat and train productions, but it appears your matter is much more urgent." Pointing at the raised podium, he proposed, "How about you address us from up there? It should convey the gravity of the situation better."

"As you wish," Kashi agreed. But then he caught Leila's cautioning gaze, and understanding the hidden meaning, added, "But only if you sit on the throne. No matter what, I must not appear to be above or hold power over you or the throne."

King Xafier nodded, acknowledging the dangers. "Yes, perceived weakness could lead to instability, especially for a newly chosen king such as myself." The king let out a wry chuckle as he lamented, "I have scoured hundreds of books and tomes on the etiquettes of a King, but it seems I have yet to ingrain the lessons within my soul. I keep forgetting."

"Even the greatest king was a clueless child once," Kashi soothed with a chuckle. "Time and wisdom make a great ruler, not the crown. You already have the wisdom. Now, all you need is time."

"Hooo..." King Xafier's eyes flashed in surprise as he regarded the daeben with shock and awe. "I did not think you were capable of such sophistry. I stand corrected."

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