The Black Prince

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A couple more years pass and I have turn the age to be wed. I was not happy at all, but my father was aging and he said it would be best if I married before I became king. With all the power I now had getting married or being king meant nothing. I saw the world differently, I was connected to something so much bigger than what was going on around me and the last I checked the scroll with the tree of my family witch line it had changed.

Robin, medicinal white magic high level, dark arts curses and magic high level, water element full control fire element low control. To me this meant everything, I was becoming stronger and stronger and a lot quicker than most witches. I did not need the distraction of getting married to get in my way, especially now that I've discovered the fountain of youth.

As I sat in my chair looking at all the girls making fools of themselves my mind wonder to other things. These girls were here hoping to get picked to be at my side, to be called queen to one of the most powerful kingdoms. My father and mother walked around the ball room happily speaking to the girl's parents, giving them their thanks and telling them how it would be a pleasure to have their beautiful daughter as part of the family. All of them came one by one and introduce themselves, they were all beautiful young ladies but I had no interest in any of them.

I wasn't a typical prince, my strangeness was known by all kingdoms. I was still big, I was not thin or muscular like most princesses, my skin was light brown but with my dark black hair it made my skin almost looked pale. I was smarter than most people, a witch and for a few years now only wore dark clothes, I have been christened Prince Raven. People gave me that name, my people gave me that name. I paid no mine to it now but in the future I would adapt the name Raven as my one and true name. I was the little Robin that turned into the dark raven.

The one thing I did have that was the most beautiful was my blue eyes. I was born with brown eyes like my mother and father but becoming a full master in controlling the element water turned my eyes blue. And not just a typical blue, my eyes changed depending on my mood. If I was happy my eyes would turn into an almost turquoise blue, when mad they would shine dark blue and look like the ocean during a storm but for most of the time they were a transparent blue that shine bright every time the light hit them.

I hid many things from my parents but when my mother saw my eyes changing she knew I had more power than I let on. She herself only had a small blue circle around her brown eyes, just slightly blue nothing you could see. But her seeing my eyes turn full blue she knew what it meant, I had to confess. Not to everything I only told her about practicing my water control and how I've been doing it in secret because I never wanted to hurt anyone like I did with that boy. She believed me and that was it, but I sense something about her I had to be careful now I knew she would be keeping an eye on me. I was worry that if I tried manipulating the other elements my eyes may turn a different color but they don't. They only turn the color of the element you are born with. Water is blue, fire is red, earth is green and air is purple.

So even though I wasn't the prince these girls would want, the beauty of my eyes allure many of them like a moth to a flame. Many were also fascinated with the fact that I was a witch. Some of their comments were really stupid, some had approach me just to say that they've never met a male witch or how the only witch they have seen was burned in their kingdom for practicing dark magic. It wasn't too uncommon to have witches burn especially witches that were labeled "evil".

My eldest nephew always stood behind me, he had become my personal body guard but I knew why he wanted to be there he wanted to see all the girls up close. Every once in a while he would whisper something in my ear like pick the one with the big tits or the little one she looks like a screamer. Even though my nephew was younger than I he had lost his virginity many years ago with one of the younger servant girls. I wish I didn't know but when you are a telepath sometimes you pick things up from the people around you.

Something about being a knight that just makes girls screams "Fuck Me!" I on the other hand never had the pleasure, many girls were interested to lay with the future king but I had no interest in them. It was in big part that I was always isolated but also because I felt no interest in anyone. You can have a sexual attraction to many people but I haven't met someone I could see at my side.

I would always be polite to the princesses but I never showed any interest. My father approach me after the parties and told me if I had found someone I like? I would tell him no. He seems disappointed but was very patient with me.

I didn't know it but my father's heart was weak, his time was coming to an end and he knew it he wished that I would pick someone but also knew I was a stubborn as he was and knew nothing would make me budge. I didn't know it but he was glad I wasn't like other kings, his heart was filled with proudness for me and the man and king I will be. I just wish he would have told me.

The parties stopped, my father had decided that I will find someone when it was my time, my mother suggested an arrange marriage like theirs but my father said no. He said no one should suffer such an arrangement especially not his son. My mother wasn't happy but understood why he said that, it was something deep inside both of them that silent secret that made both of them agree why it wasn't a good idea and why she should have never made that suggestion.

The parties stopped, I still got the subtle advice from my mother but for the most part I was allowed to make my own decisions.

I never really remember wanting to get married or having children, I didn't see this in my future. I have always had the burden of the crown but I also never really thought of what it meant to be king.

My life for so long now revolved around being a witch, about growing stronger. And at this moment this is what I wanted more than anything else.

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