King's Death

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It must have been a little pass midnight when I was awaken by strange noises, I turned over to find that Jack wasn't in bed, I could see a bright light coming from behind the curtains I stood up and opened the curtains. My heart stopped, my forest, my forest was on fire.

I ran up into one of the towers to look out the balcony, my forest was on burning, birds flew out of harm's way, deer and small animals running away trying to escape the inferno heading there way. I could hear my trees screaming in pain, my eyes filled with tears I raised my hands and tried to summon rain but nothing was happening, I had no power. 

From under the castle I could hear wolves, it was Luna something was wrong I ran down to the main hall to see what was going on. I made it to the front gates but I didn't have the strength to push them open I was out of breath my body was too weak, I took a metal candle holder went over to the glass window and hit it hard. Pieces of glass hit the floor, I had nothing on but a long black robe and barefoot I would risk cutting my feet but I felt Luna was in trouble. I jumped out the window it wasn't high only a step of the ground I ran out into the front courtyard. 

"RAVEN!" I turned to see Jack standing by the side door, he was in the shadows he had something in his hand.

"Jack, the forest, what's going on?" He step out into the light, the moon was full and the fire burnt bright, the night almost looked like day. He was covered in blood, he had his axe in his hand and the blade was dripping blood.

"Jack?" He step closer but kept a lot of space between us.

"Raven, can't you just blow it out or create a rain cloud?"

"No, I can't" Tears ran down my face, I was frustrated with myself, I couldn't do anything. "My powers are still not working" Jack walked closer to me he stuck his axe in his belt before I could ask him why he was covered in blood.

"I told you, he is normal, he can't do anything, not anymore" I stared into the direction he was talking to a giant man walked out of the shadows.

"FUCK YEAH! Come out boys its all clear" Many more men armed with weapons stepped out they were all around me.

"Jack, what is this?" Before I could do anything a giant man grabbed me from behind and held me tight.

"Jack help me!" He couldn't looked down ignoring my please and my gaze, I was being betrayed by my love.

"You fuckin idiot, don't you get it he's with us he's always been with us" Tears ran down my face, I couldn't believe this. I wanted to die I didn't care what they did to me...but, but something in me wanted to live like my spirit was telling me not to give up, not yet.

"LUNA!" I screamed as loud as I could knowing her, I am sure she was already on the way, the second she saw the fire and sense the danger. The first place she would come is here, to my side.

"What the fuck, who is Luna?"

"It was the white wolf, the one that bit you" Jack spoke softly so only the man could hear him, but I heard him to.

"The one you axed?"

"JACK!, look at me you coward, what have you done?" The man holding me responded for him.

"Tell you what he did, he took that axe and cut off the wolf's head, going to make a nice rug." They all began laughing.

"No, Jack? No, tell me you didn't"

"I did, that dog never did like me, I guess she always knew" My body was full of anger, how could someone do this to me. The man holding me screamed in pain and released me.

"What's wrong you idiot, why you let him go?" The man fell to the floor screaming in pain, his arms were peeling off like he touched something hot. I guess my anger can still trigger my power I used the momentum and waved my hand throwing Jack and the other men away from me. I ran towards the door I waved my hand and the door blew open I ran inside and waved my hand to close it but before it close an arrow came flying in and pierce my right shoulder.

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