Witch King

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I close my eyes tight my mother's words flew thru my head but they were blown away by my anger. When I opened them and looked down at my hands they were changing, my nails grew dark and sharp like claws. The cape that fell over my shoulders bled black, even the beautiful white fur that cover my shoulders turned. I felt power run thru my body it was painful but also felt right. I stood up and with just my mind blew open a hole thru the castle wall, bricks flew out onto the ground I could hear people screaming from underneath. 

I stood at the edge of the hole pointed my finger into the sky, bright blue lightning shot out of my fingertip into the air. The clouds that were almost but gone began consuming each other swirling growing darker and darker, turning into dark clouds full of thunder and lighting. I waved my hands around and black smoke appeared around me, I jumped out covered in black smoke I flew around the kingdom and headed for the front door. I could hear people screaming and running away from me they couldn't see me thru the smoke but many were screaming witch. 

I slammed thru the front door breaking it into pieces the guards guarding the door went flying into the air. I headed towards the main hall room, but I wasn't walking but levitating off the ground. The doors to the hall were guarded by four guards, when they heard the explosion of the first door they all raise their weapons ready for anything. When they saw me coming they charged at me but with just a wave of my hand I send them flying. More guards started coming some were attacking me while others guarded the door but with one strong blow of wind they all went flying in all directions. The doors to the hall blew open the candles and the fire from the large fireplace blew out the people inside screamed in fear but no one moved when they saw me coming. 

"Witch, we are being attack by a witch!" More guards appeared around my nephew and threw themselves at me but again they stood no match against my power with a wave of my hand I slammed them against the wall. My nephew took out his sword and ran to fight me.

"You dare attack your uncle?" He stood silent and stared at me.

"My uncle? Robin, is that you?" I guess I looked different to them.

"What...what are you doing, what happened to you?" My sister came running towards me.

"What am I doing!? What the hell are you doing?" Everyone in the hall stood still, many of them could have run away but many were frozen, not just from fear but also because they wanted to know what was going on.

"We were just, we thought you weren't ready to be king so..."

"So you thought you could take it from me? And how dare you" I stare at the men from the council, the same people that served at my father's side. "You would give our throne to him" I pointed at my sister's husband. "A man that single handedly destroyed his kingdom with debts, you fine him more fit to rule than I, blood of the king!"

"Brother, we weren't taking the throne we were just going to hold it...for a while, while you got better"

"Better? Their is nothing wrong with me, I will be king"

"No!" I saw the same greed in my sister's eyes as I saw in my mother's cousins.

"It's not your choice, I am next in line. I am the new king" 

"You think the people want you to rule, some freak like you..."

"Freak! You're a witch too just like our mother and like every other family member from our mother's side."

"But look at you. You're nothing like mother or me you're a monster."

"Fuck you. You know what sister now that mother is dead you have no business here. I think it's time you and your bastard kids left my kingdom."

Witch King Beautiful Creatures Series: Elder Coven IWhere stories live. Discover now