33.0: Birthdays & Lights, Camera, Action

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A/N: This chapter will be based on 6x08 Reflection of Desire and a scene from 6x07 Middle Man where Garcia gives the teams tablets

I also know that Hotch's birthday is November 2nd, but I don't care that this is 3 days late :)
The picture is the presents Crystal made for Hotch

"I give you this to take with you: Nothing remains as it was. If you know this, you can begin again, with pure joy in the uprooting."
― Judith Minty

Last week had been very interesting, when Crystal returned Monday after her Halloween party she had went straight to Hotch's office. "Hi Hotch, good morning."

"Hello Archer, good morning." Hotch looked up at her and she smiled as she made her way over, she placed a small origami present on his desk. "Happy birthday Hotch."

Hotch smiled down at her gift and gave her an amused look, "Thank you, you didn't have to get me a gift." Hotch picked up the small present and Crystal shrugged, "I know, but that's not it." Hotch gave her a confused look, "It's not what?"

"Your gift, that's not it. You mentioned that you have a sweet tooth, so I have homemade donuts in my car for you. I didn't bring them up since I knew the team would eat them all before I got one to you." Crystal smiled at him, "I also assumed from the lack of Garcia throwing confetti on you that you might've wanted your birthday to not be a big deal."

"Thank you Archer, this is very generous of you. I don't mind, but my birthday just never came up so I didn't say anything."

"So I can throw confetti on you?"

"As long as you clean it up." Crystal laughed at this and Hotch gave a light chuckle, he gently touched the origami. "This is quite impressive."

"Well I am quite impressive Agent Hotchner." Crystal shrugged and Hotch's lips twitched, "Yes you are Agent Archer."

Crystal smiled at him before leaving to her desk, all day Emily poked at her asking about why she'd gone to see Hotch so early in the morning. Seeing how Rossi immediately went to go see Hotch after she left, he was trying to understand too.

Later that day when it was finally time to leave, they both were heading to their cars. Hotch followed Crystal to hers and gave an amused look when he received the box full of donuts, "Frog printed box?"

"It's cute." Crystal shrugged and Hotch's lips twitched as he moved a piece of her hair out of her face, "Thank you again Archer, have a goodnight."

"Have a goodnight Hotch, enjoy your birthday."


Today they had a new case that Emily and Morgan had went to go and consult on, Crystal was walking next to Garcia as they headed to the conference room. "I've made sure that my schedule is clear so that I can come see you perform."

"I'm so glad, I've been working really hard for this." Garcia said happily, "You're sure the others don't know?"

"I haven't said anything to them Garcia."

"Not even Hotch?"

"Not even him, I told you I would keep your secret." Crystal smiled over at her, Garcia had come to her a couple days ago inviting her to watch her perform at the local theatre. Garcia didn't want the other's to know and Crystal respected that, she was excited to go watch her perform.

When they took their seats in the conference room Garcia handed them their tablets, "Welcome to the 21st century, hooray for technology." Rossi and Hotch accepted theirs, but Reid frowned. "You've gone paperless?"

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