17.0: Nightly Conversations & New Case

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A/N: This case will be based on 5x18 The Fight. The episode originally focuses on the other team since it's introducing the spin off, so it'll be a bit different since this will mainly focus on Hotch and Crystal as well as the original team. No major changes though.

ALSO: Someone told me the director is actually a woman, but I looked it up and whenever you look up the director of the BAU it shows up as Strauss (I'm talking about her boss, like the DIRECTOR of the BAU not just the units) In this chapter when I say 'director' I'm talking about Strauss, not the big boss director (who've I made a man because I couldn't figure out who Strauss's boss was)

"Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything."

― George Bernard Shaw

It was Sunday night and Crystal was just done washing the dishes when there was a knock on her door, she smiled as she checked the time.

11:18 PM

She opened the door and there was Hotch but he was in normal attire, t-shirt and jeans. Crystal gave him an amused look, "What, no suit?"

"Weird enough I do have normal clothes." Hotch shrugged and Crystal smiled, she motioned for him to come inside. When they were inside she got him the rest of his coffee ice cream while she got hers, "Y'know, if you told me what your favorite flavor is I could make it for you."

"How do you know it isn't coffee?"

"Is it?"

"No." Crystal laughed at him as she sat down, she handed him a spoon and he gave her a small smile. Crystal picked up a jacket and handed it to him, "Forgot to give this back on the last case, don't worry I washed it." Hotch took it and gave her an amused look, "Here I thought you stole it."


They stayed silent for a bit after that, they just sat there eating ice cream. After awhile Hotch talked a bit about Haley and Jack, he told her about how they were put in protective services for their safety. After awhile he started to talk about Jack going to school, "He's already started and he's seems to be doing okay."

"But you're worried."

"I just want him to be happy."

"He is, he has you." Hotch gave her a small smile, "Thank you for saying that, are you doing okay? We did touch on some sensitive subjects from our past."

"I'm doing okay, but you're right we did. We skipped a lot of steps of getting to know your friend, usually you ask the small talk questions first." Crystal smiled at him and his lips twitched a bit, "So ask then."

Crystal gave him an amused look as she put down her spoon, she cleared her throat. "Okay then Hotch, what's your favorite color?"


"Really." Crystal gave him a smile and he cleared his throat, "Well we are profilers, why don't you figure it out?" Crystal gave him a raised eyebrow before leaning back into the couch, she gave him a smirk before cracking her knuckles. "Is that a challenge?"

"It's only a challenge if you can't do it Archer."

Oh, game on.

They spent the night profiling each other and having a good time, they would try to figure things out about the other person. By the time Hotch left Crystal felt like she knew a lot about him now and she'd admit that she was still a bit afraid of opening up again, but she felt safe opening up to him and that scared her a bit more.


Crystal was currently reading on the jet, Crystal smiled a bit as she remembered last nights late chat. Crystal hadn't seen Hotch that morning since he had left to go meet a friend in Washington D.C and they had a case in San Francisco which they were yet to be briefed on, he told the team it would be a quick trip. She was currently reading while she listened to Emily talk until it was time to take off, "I will never again try online dating."

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