14.0: Hotel Rooms & Race Against the Clock

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"Love can change a person the way a parent can change a baby- awkwardly, and often with a great deal of mess."
― Lemony Snicket 

The team gathered the officers in the main room once Morgan and Emily were done with the interviews, once everyone was there Hotch started giving the profile. "We're looking for a male unsub. He's thought things out meticulously, but has been on a downward spiral for a long time with his emotions." 

One of the officers raised their hand, "How do you know it's a male?" Morgan pointed to Abigail's crime scene, "Women tend to be more careful and clean with their crimes, males usually don't care how messy they are. These kills are out of anger which suggests that he has an emotional connection the either the girls or maybe ballet, he's directing his anger towards these girls."

Reid cleared his throat, "Children tend to feel safer around young adults and other kids since parents warn them to not trust strangers, but kids feel safe within their own age group."

Rossi stepped towards the officers a bit, "The unsub has gained the trust of these young girls so look for someone you would over look, someone who you wouldn't expect. You're looking for someone who seems calm and approachable, but most likely has been reported for some sort of anger issues before."

JJ went to the board, "Abigail and Bailey both attended the same ballet class, this is what ties these cases together and because they could both be possible victims of Catherine Berry. We believe this man has a job and has very little to lose, be cautious if you are confronted by him."

The officer looked confused, "What does Berry have to do with it? Because she teaches the class?" Crystal cleared her throat, "Catherine Berry has four abuse accusations against her but has more victims, we think the unsub is close to one of her victims and is trying to bring her crimes to light. She would hit the kids behind their knees and on their ankles, she did this while stating what was written on the notes found near the bodies."

Emily gestured towards the board, "These murders not only happened to unveil Catherine Berry's true nature, but for personal vengeance as well. The unsub left flowers near the bodies and each flower has a different meaning, we believe that these girls were targeted for a reason and we believe it's the solo that they were going to perform."

Hotch looked around at the officers, "The unsub did his best to try and frame Catherine, but her alibi checks out. We've interviewed the other girls and their families who are apart of that solo, we need to have officers outside their houses for their own protection. Miss Berry should be watched as well in case the unsub tries to go after her."

JJ stepped towards the officer as she gestured outside, "We don't want to alert the media of anything just yet, the unsub wants the story to be told about Catherine's assault. If we give him what he wants this might just set him off on another kill, we need to keep quiet about this until we can assure the other girls safety and Catherine Berry's. They're the best shot we have on catching him."

The team walked back into the room after giving the profile, Morgan's phone rang and he answered. "Hey baby girl, tell me you got some good news for me."

"I think so sexy, I looked into the studio and it seems as if they charge a pretty penny for the lessons."

Rossi raised an eyebrow, "How pretty?"

"Oh, very. $150 an hour and the classes are 5 times a week lasting a good 3-4 hours, there's around 15 kids per class. After the charges were dropped against Catherine Berry it also looks like the families stopped making transactions each month towards the studio."

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