22.0: Surprise Meeting

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"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door"
― Milton Berle

Hotch and Crystal were driving to his apartment when his phone started to ring, "Hotchner." They were less than 10 minutes away, Crystal looked over at Hotch who nodded to whoever he was talking to. "That's fine Jess, I'm on my way home actually. Yes I'm fine, I'll see you tomorrow." Hotch hung up and glanced over at Crystal, "Jack's aunt had to leave for the night, he's already asleep."

Crystal hummed as she turned back towards the window, before she knew it they were pulling into a parking lot. Crystal followed Hotch to the elevator and to his door, when it was opened he gestured her in first before he walked in and closed the door. His apartment looked homey, she smiled as she saw many pictures scribbled on paper on the table.

"I'm going to see Jack, I'll be back but in the mean time make yourself at home." Crystal turned and nodded at him, she sat down on the couch once he was gone. Crystal's phone started to ring, "Archer."

"Heard you got beat up."

"Hello to you to dad." Crystal smiled as she heard her mother in the background, most likely lecturing her. 

"You feeling okay?"

"Yeah, doctor says I have a bruised rib and a mild concussion. Should be fully healed in two weeks, three at most."

"See? Told you she was fine, we don't need to head up."

"Please don't head over, I'm fine. How'd you guys even figure this out?"

"We got a curtesy call from the hospital, they had some questions and you were asleep so they called your emergency contact."

"Tell mom I'm fine, don't worry."

"As long as you take it easy, call Nick if you think something's wrong."

"Will do, night dad."

"Night, get some rest and eat something."

Crystal hung up with a smile, "Everything okay?" She looked over at Hotch, "Yeah, just my parents checking up on me." He nodded as he went over to his kitchen, he grabbed two bowls and the container of ice cream. Crystal shot Hotch an amused look, "Neapolitan?"

"Jack likes the variety." He shrugged as he gave her a small smile, she hummed as she winced a bit. Hotch walked over and handed her a bowl, she took a spoonful and sighed contently. Hotch took off his blazer as he sat down next to Crystal and he took a spoonful as well, they sat there for a bit not saying anything.

"So, are you feeling a bit better?"

"I told you my fever has gone down."

"That's not what I'm talking about Hotch," Crystal smiled over at him, "I'm talking about what we discussed in the woods." Hotch gave a small sigh before giving her a small smile, "I'm feeling better, in my hazy state of being sick the old memories were brought up due to the M.O. I'm fine now, what about you?"


"Your head and side okay?" Crystal gave a slight nod as she took another spoonful of ice cream, "Better than yesterday, I no longer limp." Hotch smiled a bit before opening his briefcase, Crystal sighed as she watched him do the paperwork. "It's fine Archer, the paperwork will at most take me 4 hours or less."

"That's supposed to make me feel better?"

"Do you feel better?" Crystal bit her lip to hide her smile, Hotch looked over at her with a small smile. He noticed Crystal wince again, "Try to get some sleep, I'll wake you up when I'm done to continue talking."

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