Chapter 47

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As soon as his soft lips met my own they pulled away. The kiss was over in less than a heart beat. He had pulled away before I could even push him back.

My eyes were widened in significant shock at his astounding action. Ivor gave a playful smile at my reaction obviously amused.

"Wh-" I was about to question when he cut me off.

"What can I say, I'm a sucker for cheesy romance and what's more romantic than a goodbye kiss from a beautiful maiden to a handsome man as he goes into battle. The timing could not be better." He winked.

Oh no he won't get away with this!

I kicked him in one of the only few places he did not gave armour covering, his lower shin.

Ivor yelped in pain and lifted his leg up to momentarily clutch it in a futile attempt to ease the pain away.

"That will teach you not to do something like that again without any warning!" I frustratingly huffed annoyed at the idiotic man before me.

"I'm leaving now but I will get payback so  don't you dare even think about dying!" I threatened then turned on my heels and marched off.

The audacity he had to be playful in a serious situation like this... I... I couldn't help but let my lips slightly rise up and into a smile.

Ivor you are truly something else.

I was unaware that he was still watching me, a strange look dancing in his eyes and gracing his features. His form was now no longer playful and took on a more serious almost deadly demeanour.

"Please be safe..."  He whispered into the wind and let it carry it off before focusing back on the battle before him.

I barely managed to just get off the wall without almost being completely knocked over by rushing panicked soldiers.

I noticed that the gate had been completely barricaded up and tightly secured in place with extra wooden support beams positioned strategically for maximum efficiency.

A lot of the surrounding buildings near  to the wall and gate were either partially destroyed, lit up in flames or both as a result of the rapid catapult fire. Debris was everywhere and with every passing minute more was created.

I broke into a sprint after sending one glance back silently praying for the safety of both  Ivor and Vorn. I headed in the general direction the centre of the city. Josiah should be in the vicinity rallying troops, relaying orders and evacuating civilians.

Unfortunately the Capital City is massive and I lack the stamina to continue on at my current speed for much longer even with all the adrenaline pumping through my body.

Before I knew it, I was a huffing and puffing mess desperately gasping for air like a fish out of water. My hair uncomfortably stuck to the sides and top of my face due to the sweat I had accumulated.

I placed my hands on my knees almost completely hunching over in an attempt to try catch my breath as I could no longer keep running and that's when I heard it. The loud thundering of solid hooves on hard ground from behind me.

I turned my head around and was met with the sight of an exquisite white horse bolting  down the road at very high speed towards me. Some ropes that were attached to the majestic animal  were loosely flying and flapping about with each step taken.

I took that moment to stretch out my arms to the sides in an attempt to block its path and stop it. The horse was obviously spooked and very frightened as it skidded to a halt and reared its powerful front legs up. It's widened eyes and loud calls further showcasing it's apparent fear.

The ThiefOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora