Chapter 20

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Lord Patrick's son...

I know I should feel shocked or perhaps even terrified yet for some unbeknownst reason I am not. Instead a crooked smile graces my lips before they part as I erupt in a silent pit of bitter sweet laughter.

I by far cannot seem to fathom why my luck is so bad and he is handsome too... What a pity.

The Commander watches me impassively without so much as a bat of an eye lid at my crazed antics. Instead he watches me waiting for me to regain my composure.

"You know I think someone up there really dislikes me..."

"Perhaps that is what it may seem Ms Black but fortunately for you I'm his bastard." his tone somehow came off as slightly bored.

However this news was a great shock to me. Probably a lesser one as before but my eyebrows had risen. I wanted to ask him about it. Hell I was beyond curious. Why would he introduce himself as one of Lord Patrick's sons if he was actually deemed a bastard?

As if sensing my question he once again spoke.

"I do not wish to speak of this and I dare hope you keep your mouth shut about it or I will have your tongue." he threatened me. Although I don't blame him. Being a bastard child is probably as bad as being treated as a slave especially if the father or mother is of a high rank.

I nodded slightly in my compliance to keeping his secret before I bowed my head slightly in respect and left.

The day passed in a blur worn training and other duties. I passed the knight from earlier a few times while he ran panting like a dog and a hateful glare aimed at me every time our eyes locked.

Jessie and Warren had been released from their punishment in the early hours of the evening and but were still under the watchful eye of Greg.

My body was beyond tired and I was desperate for some shut eye so I made my way to a spot near Commander Tyron's tent after diner and settled down into a restful sleep.

The next few days past following a constant routine which mainly consisted of chores and training. My leg was beginning to heal however it did have the tendency to act up every now and then. I had not spoken to the commander since him and I revealed the truth of our identities, the main reason being that I had not seen him.

The knight that I had gotten into a fight with had been moved to the front lines in the western territories. Serves that bastard right. I would say I hope he does not return but that might be a little cruel.

I had just finished running my second lap around the camp when I heard the screech of a raven. Out of breath slightly, I stopped and looked up towards the sky to see if I could spot it.

Of course with my luck I had the two idiots, Jessie and Warren, running laps with me and they were a few steps behind me arguing about who knows what not concentrating what so ever which caused them to crash into me forcing my poor face to meet the hard ground.

I let out a groan in protest and pain before rolling over to catch a glimpse of the raven flying towards a solider sitting on the outskirts of the camp. The solider immediately took the message from the bird and ran towards the Commanders tent in all hurry and disappeared out of sight.

Meanwhile Warren and Jessie were trying to get off of my poor body that they had used as a cushion for their landing.

"What is wrong with you just randomly stopping like that, without warning?! I could have hurt my beautiful face!" Jessie complained.

"Oh shut it Jessie, your face is already ugly, if anything Prissy Guard over here was trying to do you favour. Such a shame it didn't work." Warren taunted.

"You know I do have a name." I huffed slightly annoyed at the dumb nickname and pushed myself up from the ground onto my feet while dusting myself off.

"Yeah but that is not the problem here Prissy Guard. Warren needs to apologise for insulting my beauty that clearly out weighs his own." Jessie fake fanned himself trying to be overly dramatic.

"Fricken call me by my name, Sky is not that hard to say!" I grumbled before starting to run again. They just ignored me and continued to argue with one another. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother with them.

Not long after this whole ordeal we were stopped and called to pack up camp. I could not understand what was happening but I figured it was something to do with that message the raven brought.

I passed Commander Tyron who was barking out orders forcing everyone to pack up as quickly as possible. Tents were being dismantled and soldiers were gearing up and gathering all their belongings. Not long after, the camp was completely gone.

It was almost like we were never there except for the noticeable fires that had been put out and flatted grass from where the tents lay previously.

A lot of soldiers and nights were on horse back but the rest of us had to March in formation. I was one of the unlucky few forced to walk much to my dismay. The reason for this was because I was still in training even though I had met all the requirements to join the army minus the fact that I was female. Even Jessie and Warren were on horse back.

About an hour of travelling with the Commander up front, I was becoming highly aware of how uncomfortable it was to walk in my armour that I had been recently fitted with. Each step painfully chaffed at my heels and sides. The constant clinking and clonking of my boots and those around me were starting to give me a major headache.

I had no idea where we were marching off to but it was in a westerly direction so I figured that we were heading into the Western territories. I remember Ivor telling me a number of days ago that Prince Edward had headed off there. Just thinking of the Prince put a frown on my face.

So lost in thought I failed to notice the presence of a horse walking in step beside me until a cough was let out by its rider. I looked up slightly startled only to meet the eyes of Commander Tyron.

"Hop on, I need you to come with me." he held out his hand while stopping his horse expecting me to grab it so he could hoist me up.

I was a little confused but complied anyway for he was the Commander after all. He gave a strong pull and I successfully mounted the horse behind him.

I am sure that is looked rather strange to the spectators around us but they did not look the slightest bit fazed, like it was a common sight. Sighing slightly I placed my hands onto the Commander's shoulders.

Feeling that I was holding on, the Commander ushered his horse into a canter causing me to tighten my grip slightly.


Out  of curiosity what country are you guys from?

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