Chapter 37

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I was pouting like a spoiled little child. Ivor knew I was annoyed with him but he still found great amusement with my petty antics.

"Now my beautiful wife, come on give me a smile." He turned around and winked.

"Shut up, I'm suppose to be acting unwell you buffoon." I huffed and crossed my arms.

"Well then, I hate to break it to you, you are a terrible actress if that's your sick act."

I really wanted to throw something at him.

"We are nearing the gates." his tone was no longer playful and teasing but now serious.

I got my act together and made myself hunch over forward onto the horse grabbing my stomach and pretending to let out slight heaves and groans every now and then. I dropped my head down low, as if to seem that I was in pain.

We nearly passed through without any troubles until one of the guards asked us to halt.

"What seems to be the issue sir? Please my wife is sick... We think it's the baby." Ivor acted desperately.

Baby?! Oh he is going to die. If we were in any other situation he would be six feet under by now.

I unnoticeably glared slightly at his stupid head.

"Oh apologies Mister, I just wanted to check if she has a deadly plague or not, it's just part of the job but by all means please pass through if it is the baby, I hope it will be alright." The guard stood back apologetically.

Once we were out of sight from the guards I reached forward and flicked Ivor on the ear.

"Ouch, what was that for you lunatic?" He dramatically faked pain.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"You know exactly what that was for."

"I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about." He tried to act innocent.

"What was with that whole 'baby' thing then?!"

"Oh you mean that; well it got us through didn't it?"

Another flick.

"Ouch! Okay okay I apologise, just don't flick me anymore." He pouted and covered his ears as he stopped walking and looked up at me.

"Fine, but warn me next time you do something like that."

He gave a smirk and then looked forward again.

"You know, you look nothing like your father."

I looked up, sure enough we had stopped in front of the rock statue of Gerard of the Iron Soul. I had almost forgotten about it, we were near the south gate after all.

The facial features had weathered away slightly through the years but the statue still stood strong. The statue depicted my father mounted on a galloping horse, a sword in his one hand and the other sitting on the hilt of a dagger at his side.

The same dagger that was passed down to me. I gave a soft smile but then I was plagued by the memories of that bastard using it to decapitate his own son, Tryon...

As if sensing the mood change Ivor spoke up.

"Well if course one major difference between the two of you is that you are not made of rock."

Ivor lead the horse forward once again. I however was stuck in my memories. First with Commander Tryon and then to my father.

I can't remember much of him, just a few things. I remember him telling me the story the dagger, I remember his look of adoration when I came into the house covered in mud from head to toe after my first meeting with Ivor, I remember his laughter and how happy him and mother were. Lastly I remember him leaving on one particular stormy night after he had been summoned by the King, I didn't want him to go as he would be gone a few days and I never really saw him much as it was. He knelt down to my height and handed me his dagger.

"Here little Sky, hold onto this for me. I promise as soon as I get back, I will teach you how to use it."  Those were his last words to me. I never saw him again but was told countless times of how he was a hero who saved the crowned prince.

When mother remarried the Baron Robert Fulton, he become my new father figure. The Baron had two sons, one my age and the other 2 years older who had lost their mother when they were very little. They were very accepting of my mother and I. We become a wonderful family.

Although they tried to treat me like a princess, they soon found out that I was more of a tomboy and taught me how to very basically fight and use my dagger. The Baron, who had asked me to refer to him as Uncle, was a little against the boys teaching me combat but nevertheless with a lot of convincing and puppy eyes the man gave in to basic combat training. Mother was against it completely but Uncle convinced her on our behalf.

Mother and the Baron had a strange relationship. They did love each other but you could see that they both missed their lost lovers however they had sook and found comfort in one another. They never fought.

"Please don't mistake this marriage as a replacement for your father my dear Skyler. I will always love your dad but I still want you to grow up strong and have a proper childhood with a family that you can love. The Baron and his family are good people." Mother reassured me when they were about to get married.

She had done so much for me, they all had. We made a great family. I miss them so much. My heart ached at the memories.

I miss my brothers, Theo and James, the two of them were forever fighting and pranking each other, I miss Uncle, he was always had good stories and tales to tell whenever he had a chance and lastly I miss my mother, I missed the way she used to hold me in her arms whenever I was scared or sad, I missed the way she always made me feel safe from the dangers of the world and I missed her voice, she couldn't sing to save her life but once she tried to sing me a lullaby and I couldn't stop giggling.

My whole life changed that night five years ago with the horrible fire of the Fulton Estate. I lost everything. It was too painful to remember.

"Hey Skyler, we are here. You can get off now." Ivor broke me out of my thoughts.

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