Chapter 5

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Morning came to quickly forcing me to wake up from the beautiful wonder of sleep. Because I had only received 6 hours of sleep, I was more clumsy than when I usually wake up. Moving quickly i saddled my horse- well the guards horse, and quickly gathered my belongings before heading out.

I decided to go to the closest town that is near the Capital city and it's a good five hours ride and by the time I reach it, the scorching hot sun is at it's peak signalling that it is midday.

Both my steed and I, who I have discovered is female and temporarily named her Frosty to get my mind off the heat, are exhausted. I find a nice shady spot to rest and dismount.

I pull out my bag and see how much money I had stolen yesterday in the market place before all this drama had happened. I have enough to get me a decent room in an Inn for at least one night. I let out a deep breath knowing that I would have to steal more if I wanted to stay in this town for longer. I don't want to but I can't just go back to the capital and give the gems back. I am already a wanted thief there thanks to that bastard Lord Patrick.

I lead Frosty into town at a slow place studying my surroundings carefully. This town was pretty tiny and judging from the curious looks I kept receiving from the local people outsiders were strange here. I guess everyone knew each other here.

I stopped outside the inn which wasn't so hard to find and quickly tied Frosty to the hitching post before heading inside.

The door opened with a jingle of a bell situated on the top right corner of the door inside.

The air was much cooler inside. There was an elderly lady sitting at the front desk who seemed to be reading a dusty old book.

"William if that's you could you be a dear and go and fetch some fire wood for me?" She said not bothering to lift her gaze up from her book.

I cleared my throat to gain her attention. Her head immediately lifted up. "Oh my apologies young lady, I thought you were someone else. So what can I do for you this fine hot day?" She said smiling brightly.

"I would it be any trouble if I were to ask for a room and stabling for my horse?" I asked her politely.

"Not a problem dear, we hardly get any travellers here anymore. And may I ask for how many nights would you be staying?"

"Just one thank you." I replied giving her a soft smile back I then quickly her the amount due.

"I will get someone to sort your horse out for you and before I forget here are your keys to your room and it's the first door upstairs on the right and since it's still early midday why don't you go explore a bit later." She happily said and handed me my keys.

"Thank you kindly Mrs..?"

"Oh please child call me Sue and who might you be?" She replied.

"I go by Skye short for Skylar." I left it at that and turned to leave and head up to my room. It was rather nice with a nice bed and dressing table. There was also a small cupboard in the corner.

The window faced the town below and was slightly open allowing a tiny breeze to pass through. There was another door that lead to a bathroom.

I decided to take a long much needed bath to relax my sore muscles after which I went for a much needed walk to clear my head.

The curious glances seemed to die down a bit and for that I am grateful. My head is spinning on what to do. Lord Patrick is bound to of set half the kingdom into looking for me by now.

"Did you get your invitation this morning?" I overheard a young girl, probably round my age speaking to her friend.

"Yes about the ball that the prince has announced coming up tomorrow night. I cant wait to attend it." The other said happily smiling.

The ball. That's it, how could I forget? I think I know how I can fix this situation and rat out Lord Patrick once and for all, I will attend it.

Hmmm... But now how do I get an invite or a dress? That's right I will just have to do what I am best at- steal it.

The rest of the day went by quickly with me following the girls at a distance until they went home. The one was more or less my height and build so her dress will do, I will just have to steal it tomorrow as I leave.

Of course she has her dress already because her and her friend wouldn't shut up about it.

The next morning I woke up with a bright start and gathered up all my things. The sun hadn't risen yet but I planned to be out of this place before it does. I left a note thanking Sue for the stay and headed out to go and fetch Frosty.

Once Frosty was sorted I took her to the girls house that I had planned to steal the dress and invitation from. I know that what I am doing is wrong and especially horrible for her but I sort of don't have a choice here. It's not like this is the last ball that she will ever be able to attend in her life, there are plenty more to come.

I quietly snuck round the side of her house and noticed that a latch on one of the windows were lose, I guess luck is on my side for once.

I opened it and snuck into the house. I herd a soft feminine snoring coming from the one room. Bingo! Quietly walking towards the room I peered in and sure enough there hanging on ger cupboard doors was a beautiful red dress. This girl sure has a good sense in fashion I will give her that.

Taking the dress, I carefully folded it and put it in my bag before heading towards her dressing table. Sure enough there lay her invitation. I picked it up and then pinched some of her jewellery, make-up and shoes before leaving. I do feel bad for her but hopefully she will get over it.

Once on Frosty, I left the town. I will hopefully get back to the capital round this time in the afternoon.

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