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Chapter 44

Corinne POV

"I promise I will tell you Every thing"


I watch as Jayden, Hayden, Rome and Roman watch me with anger. I notice a few familiar faces, while some I didn't.

The one face that shock me was Myla who stand beside Reyna.

Why is she here?

When Nate sent me that text message I couldn't wait to get pass Bella's men.

The last time I escape her and Sage it didn't go so well since my daughter was the one who had to suffer for my stupidity.

"How did you know this address if you never been here?" Carter asked making everyone except Celia, Nate and Carl who all were the one who told me the address.

"Because I told her" Nate answered.

"The only reason for her to know is if yo-" Rome paused looking at his uncle in disbelief.

"You know where she was all this time did you uncle?" Rome asked, which made Reyna gasp.

"If you know where Corinne was then that means you know where Hope was" Jayden pointed out clenching his fist.

Hayden watched his Uncle in disbelief.

"We could have had her here all this while" Roman sarcastically laughed.

"Boys now lets not get too angry at your uncle" Reyna said , I can tell in her eyes she is disappointed that Nate knew where Hope was and never informed her.

"And now for you, you can start from the beginning" Reyna said which is exactly what I did.

I told them everything from the beginning. On how this was Bella plan from the entire beginning and how she was the one who cause our accident.

My husband had to finish the rest since it was a roller coaster of tears just waiting to be release.

It pains me so much to know that I had a life before this. That I had a family. Just seeing and observing how those 6 brothers who have been through hell and pain because I took the only thing that matters to their family......Hope.

The only reason I didn't tell Reno and Malia was because Bella was watching me like a hawk and especially after she hired a few of her mens to work inside the house, I just couldn't take the risk.

Having your every move watch everyday can make you go crazy.

When me and Mitch got the note to kill Gio and Celia we panic. We didn't know what to do since the note didn't really say who it was.

The next morning when we woke up we got more letter which were a simple letter warning us about not telling them or they will kill us and them.

They even threatened my daughter. I couldn't help but think who the fuck would threatened to kill a four year....A FUCKING FOUR YEAR OLD!. I was so fed up with the constant letters so I came up with a plan.

I made some fake passport for me and my family to leave, which now I know wasn't the brightest move since it led to us being kidnapped.

My husband was bang up badly from the impact of the car and I remember that my daughter received minor head injury which was tended to by the people who took us.

Reminder this accident happened before the attack on Gio and Celia.

Anyways after my cuts were tend too I was finally given the opportunity to meet this person who was making my life a living hell.

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