She Knows

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Chapter 16

~Hayden POV~

I didn't want to let her in Hope is everything to me. I love her so much, I can't let her see me as a killer instead of the older brother who would do anything to protect her from the world, the evil that's out there.

When I first saw her I wanted to tell her everything I wanted to tell her that I love her and that I would protect her from bad monsters, but seeing her all grown and not the 3 year old I remember. The 3 year old that was afraid of the dark, to be alone or the little girl that would cry if she wasn't in my arms.

I couldn't, I just didn't want to let her in. Seeing her sitting at the table with us not even knowing that we were her family, the ones who made her monsters go away it hurts. Now that she's old I'm afraid that if she knows what we do she'll hate us for it.

I couldn't live with my self if she hates us, hope is everything to my family.

I could tell by just sitting at the table that Blake wasn't fine with not telling her I know he wanted to tell her so bad but we agree that we would give her more freedom before we take it away.

"Earth to Hayden" snapping out of my thoughts I see Roman looking at me with his usual expression plain.

We were all having a meeting about the mission that took place before dinner.

I nodded for him to go ahead. I can see he wanted me to say something since I don't talk very much.

My brothers all try to get me to open up but I just shut them out not wanting to to speak to anyone or let them in. I couldn't and I won't.

"Like I was saying we lost 30men today" Roman says which made me punch the wall behind me.

30 MEN. We have been losing men like crazy because of Sage. Some one is leaking information from us and yet my brothers can't put a cap over it.

I turn my attention to Rome glaring at him " Why haven't you found the traitor yet?" I asked coldly which earn me a 'don't fucking accuse me of shit' glare its one of his favorite.

"You don't think I tried, the person is good at his or her job" Rome said yelling at me. I punch him in the face twice. One No one yells at me. Two he's a fucking asshole useless piece of shit.

Yap I know I have anger issue. Does it look like I give a fuck No, Sage has been causing problems for months and yet he isn't put down. What kind of Mafia is this if my brothers can't find the traitor.

Rome was now holding onto his most likely broken noise my uncle Nate, Mitch along with the twins seem shock by my sudden outburst. Except for Blake and Jayden who both had blank faces I can see a slight smile appearing on Roman, Dean and Jordan's face.

What can I say Rome always pissing people off.

"What the fuck Hayden" Rome yelled holding his bleeding noise. He was about to punch me when uncle Nate caught it.

"Don't Hope is under this roof so calm your Asses down....." he shouted griping on to Rome fist, he pause in the middle of his sentence  to look at me. What he said made me feel a little guilty about punching my older brother I know he's trying his best but he is doing a terrible job at it.

"You go calm down take a lap or something" Uncle Nate says glaring at me.

Blake dismiss me saying that it was fine and that he will talk to me later. I know he is going to give me a big brother talk which isn't what I need.

What I need is my baby sisters teddy bear that's in my room.

I know your judging me so stop yes I'm get call so many names but I don't really give a fuck I may act cold all the time it doesn't mean I don't have a weakness or a soft spot.

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