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Warnings: Hurting cinnamon rolls >:}


"Ready to go?" Xisuma packed his inventory with the essentials: golden carrots, a bed, weapons and tools, and other things.

"Yessir." Joe has packed his inventory similarly. "I also purchased a few invisibility potions from Stressmonster's shop." He passed a few of the bottle from himself to the admin, who accepted them gratefully.

The prior day, Joe has stopped by Xisuma's base once again, suggesting the idea that they go... investigate the strange happenings of late. Xisuma agreed, rather curious himself. There has been reports of Scar acting out and threatening people, and talking to thin air, and this was not, in the slightest, what Scar normally did. He was the sweetest, most lovable Hermit you could ever ask for, who wanted nothing but peace, trees, and cats. Xisuma has even had to implement a special respawn mechanic for the server just for the klutzy wizard because of how often he would hurt himself by falling from high places or smashing into buildings while using elytra.

"Xisuma?" Joe waves his hand in front of the Enderian, who had spaced out.

"O-oh, sorry Joe... Just, just got a bit distracted right then..."

"Before you zoned out, I was saying that I've packed a special potion to carry with us. I learned it from one of those ancient textbooks."

"And what does it do?"

"Force someone to speak the truth."


Scar backed further away into the office corner, Hels' new netherite sword pointed at his head. "...and you are powerless against me. Did you really think that I would help you? You're pathetic, an utter waste of a life."

When Scar went to respond, opening his mouth slightly, Hels pushed the sword closer, grazing his cheek. "Bet a few more scars wouldn't hurt. Your name implies that you must like them, after all." He stroked the blade down the other side of the petrified mayor's face, blood starting to drip down his neck. "Oh Scar... a helpless, little child who played with magical crystals..." The knight slashed at Scar's right arm, causing the deepest cut yet.

Crying out in pain, Scar grabbed his arm, curses spewing out of his mouth. "You bastard-"


Xisuma placed a hand over where his mouth would be if his helmet had been removed, Joe's breathing slowing, revealing his shock.

Joe lifted a trembling hand, a bottle of golden liquid clasped inside. "I'm going to throw this at them," Joe whispered, crawling down the side of the building and landing on the balcony.

Xisuma shimmied down after him, drawing his sword silently. The Voidling's hands shook slightly, hardly believing what he had just heard Hels do, and what Scar had just said.

Joe moved closer to the door, sneaking the splash potion into a tighter grip. All he had to do was aim, and throw it.

All he had to do...

He could hear Hels' voice again, though the pounding in his ears made it difficult. "...but I maybe I shouldn't be hurting my future host." The cracking of bones could be heard, Joe cringing as Scar moaned and screamed in pain.

He turned his head back to Xisuma, closing his eyes and take a deep, shuddering breath. 'Here I go...' Pulling his arm back, he turned, launching the potion into the room.


Hels raised his sword, using the flat of it to attack Scar's left leg, causing bone to break. As he smirked, standing back to full height, he felt glass shatter against his back,  cool liquid dripping down his back. Turning with a snarl on his face, he saw the two Joe standing, arm still outstretched from throwing the potion.

"What-" Xisuma stepped out from behind Joe, brandishing his sword. "What did you do to Scar..."

"I cut him a few times and broke a leg." Hels muttered a string of curses, throwing his sword into the wall.

"Why," Joe questioned next.

"Why do you think? I'm going to take over this f***ing world and remake it in my own image." Hels reached into his own inventory, pulling out two milky white splash potions and hiding them behind his back. "He summoned me, and I took the opportunity to meet my own agenda."

Without warning, Hels threw the two potions at the unsuspecting Hermits, saying, "Now, we can't deal with you two running around, spreading rumours... Enjoy your naps."

As Joe's head started spinning, Xisuma coming into his field of view as he turned slowly, eyes closing as he fell into a deep sleep.

Xisuma braced for the dizzy feeling that would come with the sleeping potion that would send him under and floating in an ocean of darkness.

He closed his eyes tightly.

Letting out a slow breath...

...he opened his eyes. "What...?" He sent a confused glance at Hels before realizing what had happened.

"Stupid filter in your helmet..." Grabbing his sword out of the wall, he lunged forward and hit the admin upside the head.

As Xisuma tumbled to the floor, Hels placing a foot on his back, crushing his ribs, his consciousness fading into nothing.

Before succumbing to the darkness he heard one last thing: "Time to say hi to Wels."


Slightly shorter chapter than usual, but enjoy the inner depths of my my evil mind! Mwahahahahahaha!!!!!!

Theeeoooriiiies???? —>

Maya <3

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