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"Pain was all I knew. I thought it was normal. I thought that, that it was what I was s-supposed to do- that it was what W-Watc... they did. So I became like them." Grian paused to take a sip of his hot chocolate, his shaking body being comforted as Xanthus cuddled him in his lap, back on the chair where the first event similar to this had happened. "They would pluck my wing feathers, sometimes, when I didn't listen. I-It hurt... a lot. Th-then, they would leave me locked in my room w-with- with no food... and the water, it- it was drugged, usually... I starved with them, and Dream told me that... that he..." Grian couldn't even say it.

"Listen, G... it's alright..." Xanthus hugged Grian tighter, running a hand through his hair. "You've escapes them."

"N-no, I never will re-really... they're always there, taunting me, talking to me..."

"Like voices in your head?"

Grian nodded.

"That happens to me too, G. Sometimes they talk about you. Recently, though, they've been mentioning a few different letters. H, P... something. Oh, and a pig with a crown. I don't really get that one." Xanthus laughed, Grian sparing shy smile.

"But it h-hurts. Because they made me kill them..."

Xanthus restrained himself.

He couldn't let Grian know.

No, he couldn't tell him.

He wasn't ready.

No, no-

"Damn it, I'm telling him."

"Grian... I- I could... take you... take you to them..."

"Wait, what."


Xanthus flicked his fingers, vibrant colors of all shades and hues swirling in the air, conjoining in the air in front of them.

Grian could only watch as the lights sparkles, trapping him in awe.

"Like it?" Xanthus chuckled at Grian's amazed expression.

"Y-Yeah..." was his breathless reply.

Under the helmet, Xanthus blushed.

He liked this side of Grian...

...and if he was being honest...

...he liked Grian.

A lot.

"Well, you can go through if you want..."

"Where?..." The question trailed off.

"You'll see," was his reply, a smirk lining his voice.

Nodding quietly, Grian reached out to touch the portal, disappearing when he came in contact.

Once he was through, Xanthus tore off his helmet, screaming as he threw it into the sand.

What were his emotions doing to him? He couldn't get attached now. Definitely.

Not when Hels was in the mix.

Bracing himself with his hands on bent knees, he took a deep breath, in and out, closing his eyes.

No, he wouldn't let himself fall in love.

He didn't want to hurt Grian.


"Welcome home."


Grian was laying flat on his wings, grimacing when he came to.

Opening his eyes, he froze.

Banished: Resistance is FutileWhere stories live. Discover now