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Chains and the lack of armor.

Those were the first two things that Wels felt without needing to open his eyes.

Next, is that there was no light in the room he was in, and he was sitting on a hard floor.

He slowly peeked open an eye. The room was, indeed, very dark, a single redstone torch lighting the 25 square-block room. In the corner was a barrel and a bed. There was no way in or out, obsidian lining all four walls, floor, and ceiling. The only pass to the outside world would be to rip out the iron bars from a 1x1 window, or remove the obsidian.

He grunted as a wave of pain washed through his head. 'Hels apparently didn't give me medical attention,' Wels thought bitterly.

If you speak of the devil, then he shall appear.

Wels could hear the clanking of armor hitting against itself from through the window. "Well, that was easy." Hels' deep voice echoed from outside the barred window, Wels' silver armor replacing his own black set.

"I see what you're planning, and it's never going to work." Wels struggled against the chains, failing to free himself from them. "One, your hair. Two, your eyes, three, your voice."

Hels made a grunting sound to clear his throat. The voice that came out of his throat twin to Wels'. "Remember, I am you."


"Ever heard of magic?" Hels' eyes flashed to blue, all trace of red gone. "Same for the hair." His brown hair faded slowly to blonde.

That's when Wels heard another set of footsteps. Hels turned to the new comer. "Ah, Mr. GoodTimesWithScar. Thank you for helping me with my new look."

Wels let out a strangled noise. "Scar! How could you do this!? After all we have done for you!"

Scar flinched at his words, bad memories resurfacing in his mind. As the wizard walked up to the window and stood next to Hels, Wels could see what had changed: a murky blood-red streak ran through both of the mayor's clear green eyes. "Hels," Wels growled in annoyance. "What. Did. You. Do."

"What had to be done." Hels nodded to Wels and turned away, Scar following him.

Wels thought, though, for one second before Scar has walked away, he had heard something.

"I'm sorry, Wels......"


Grian placed Jellie down at the Hermit Challenges meeting site, the other three cultists staring at the little Watcher in shock. "You've done it!?" Stress exclaimed.

"Yes, I did. No thanks to you..." Grian mumbled the last part.

"By goly gosh, he's done it." Mumbo patted Grian on the back, Iskall clapping his hands.

"Have the rest of you done your challenges yet?" Grian asked.

"Mumbo and I did one from your Uno Reverse card," Iskall stated.

"Yeah, we replaced the throne..."

Grian doubled over laughing. "I bet Scar got a kick outta that one!"

Jellie let out a little squeak, Grian glancing at her quickly before returning his attention to the humans.

Stress said that she had replaced Larry's beard with mycelium, deeming her challenge complete. Mumbo and Iskall has yet to complete theirs.

"What did you guys get anyways?" Grian asked.

"I got..." Mumbo fished out a paper from his pocket. "Mine for diorite then burn it." Grian facepalmed while Stress just shook her head, sighing at Iskall's unhealthy obsession with destroying the block.

"I got Randomly start roleplaying with someone." The other three Hermits present burst into guffaws and giggles.

"That should be entertaining," Grian stated, slowly calming down from his laughing fit.

"Dude..." was Iskall's reply. This sent Mumbo, Stress, and Grian back to laughing, Iskall soon joining in.

"Th-that's a good one, M-Mumbo!" Grian clutched at his stomach.

Growing tired of all their bickering, Jellie nudged Grian's leg with her head, looking at him wide-eyed.

"I think Jellie wants to go." Jellie seemingly nodded and waved her tail. Grian reached down and grabbed the familiar, grasping her tight in his arms and flying away.

As the mansion loomed in the distance, Jellie nuzzled her head in his arms, the rumbling of her purring spreading down Grian's arms. "Thanks for letting me do this. And the challenge didn't say for how long..."

"I'm fine with whatever."



Cub sat in his office, writing in the tax registers, filing forms and what not. Scar had been out on an end run all day, struggling to keep his chest monster shop stocked.

At least, that's what Scar has told him.

A quiet knock sounded from the doorway. Cub glanced up from his work to see Welsknight enter his office. "Hey Wels. What can I help you with?"

"It's not Wels." Helsknight took off his helmet, the magic cloaking his body falling away to reveal his true features.

"Helsknight." Cub grabbed his sword and sprang from his chair.

"Oh please, put that toothpick away." A sound was heard from the hallway. Hels pushed the door wider to reveal a slightly shaking Scar. Cub's expression changed to something between worry and anger when he saw the red streak in the mayor's eyes.

"What did you do to Scar."

"He's just helping me stop the Mycelium Resistance," Scar replied, glancing down at his feet.


Helsknight grabbed Cub by the shirt, whispering something furiously into his ear. Cub's eyes widened at the words, an audible gulp sounding from him.

"Uh, H-Hels," Cub started. "Welcome to the Town Hall." He gestured to the walls surrounding them.

Hels smirked. "Well... That went easier than I expected."

Scar just lowered his head, the red streak on his eyes growing bigger. His face twisted, a twin smirk slowly growing on his own face.


Theories? —>

Ilyasm <3

Maya <3

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