Gotta go my own way

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There comes a time where a bird has to leave the nest. There comes a time when you have to leave home and find another one to call your own. There also comes a time where you listen to your head and not your heart. I leave a note for Joe on the table. He'll be fine. So will Theo, now that I'm gone.

I silently close the door and run. I refuse to stop at the first set of houses I see and carry on down a country looking road. I see another set and smash the back door window of the first one I see. I walk inside and the house seems completely empty. Except for a ruined sofa but as I sit on it, it's comfortable enough.

Looking through my phone, I see that Joe had been taking pictures when I was asleep. There's one if him and Theo both holding up the bottles of alcohol. There's another of a sleeping Theo whose got his arms wrapped around a sleeping me. There's also a video. I watch as Joe sings down the phone. Theo's behind him telling him to shut up because he's going to wake me up. But Joe being Joe, he ignores Theo and carries on. Now he has a good voice. He should become a singer. That's if things go back to normal after the apocalypse.

I look to see if any messages have came through. There's one! I open it.

Hey Leo. I know this isn't the normal number I message you on but it's Finn. In England they have refuge for people in America. You're the only country to have the disease. There are planes that are taking off from all airports. There are around 4 a day so make sure to get one. They start today. Tell Mum and Dad. Remember to message me if  you manage to make it to England. I love you little sis. Hopefully see you soon. Xxx.

Planes? I can go home! I quickly search up nearest airport and see that the closest is a couple of miles away. I look at the timetable and see that the first plane is at 8am. If I get up at 5am I can make it just on time. I lie back on the sofa and imagine my self being home in England with my brother. Then I realise he's expecting Mum and Dad aswell. What am I supposed to tell him? They tried to eat me so I shot them both and killed them. Sounds good enough. Trying not to be too worried, I force myself to sleep so I'll be ready to wake up early tomorrow. Can't imagine what Theo and Joe are up to.

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