"I'm sorry..."

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I wake up and see that my phone is on charge. Thanks to whoever did that. I look up at the clock and see that it's past mid day. I get up and go downstairs. Joe runs towards me, holding a collection of coloured bottles in his hands. "Look what I found!"

Joe hands me another bottle to replace my empty one. "Thanks." Theo carries on sipping on his bottle. He giggles. Me and Joe look at each other before lookong at him. "Sorry. Can't get over Leo wearing a blazer." We may or may not have gone through the wardrobe and stole some clothes. Well not stole, borrowed. No matter how many times Joe tried to convince me to wear a dress, I refused and shoved on one of the male's blazers. Joe has a light blue. Theo has a deep red. And I'm stuck with a dusky pink. "I just don't think you can handle a powerful, masculine woman." Joe silently sips on his drink with his eyes stuck on Theo, waiting for his response. Theo shakes his head and guzzles down the last of his drink and holds his hand out for more.

It begins to get dark so I suggest we go bed just so we can be ready as soon the sun is up tomorrow. Joe agrees and gets up. Theo stays in the same place. "Theo I really think we should go bed." I try to pull him up but he still doesn't budge. Joe hands me my phone but I tell him to keep hold of it til I can get a certain statue to move and go bed. I slowly walk backwards away from him. This makes him move. He gets up swiftly and closes the distance between us. He grabs my hand and places it on his shoulder. He keeps the other one held in his and moves his other hand to above my waist. He begins to dance around the room. "Theo can we not do this right now? You're such a light weight." Joe watches from the bottom of the stairs. "You're not going to help are you?" He shakes his head, "no chance. This is way too cute." He pulls out my phone and turns on my music playlist. A soft slow song comes on.

Theo places both is hands on my waist and I move my other one to his shoulder. My heart begins to melt. My stomach doing crazy somersaults. To try and distract myself, I think of something, "I think we should kill Joe." Joe looks startled but annoyed. Theo laughs then gently moves a piece of hair out of my face. "I know you hate it, but pink is your colour." Unable to speak, I smile at him. He spins me around, pulls me in and then pushes me out. My heart can't take it. I want to run around and hide. I want to put my brother's jumper on and curl into a ball. I want to go somewhere, anywhere just to get out of this.

He pulls me in even closer towards the end of the song and out of the corner of my eye I can see Joe's eyes widen. Our noses are almost touching. I can feel his warm breath on my lips. He begins to lean in and for a moment, so do I. Until it gets too much to handle so I push him away. He looks so hurt and confused.

"I'm sorry... I can't do this. I don't want this. I'm so sorry."

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