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I carry on walking through the streets, making sure there are no zombies. That's when I see him. My age. Curly golden hair. Leather jacket with jeans and a hoodie. Shuffling in his converse. Kind of cute. I quickly get over it and aim my rifle at him. He turns round and I can see that he looks shocked to see me here. Shock turns into fear when he realises that I have and rifle. He begins to run towards me. I look at him properly, his features seem too alive to be a zombie. I'm pretty sure he's groaning but it seems like he's saying something. I keep my eye on him, finger on the trigger, just in case he's about to turn into a zombie.

"Please don't shoot. Don't shoot. I'm human. Not a zombie. I'm just trying to blend in. I'm sorry I scared you." He looks slightly nervous. I mean, I did almost shoot him but if I did, it would've been his fault. "Trying to blend in?" The urge to shoot him appears. "Some stupid idiot you are. You're not a chameleon. I could've shot you." He stands there, looking amused whilst I rant at him. "I'm Theo. Now if you would be so kind to shut up, you could prevent waking the dead. Oh, wait a minute, they're already awake aren't they?" He takes my rifle and begins to walk away. "Wow. You think so funny. Theo I want my rifle back. It's the last thing I have from my parents. He looks down and rolls his eyes. "Fine. Here take it. What did your parents become zombies or something?" I run my fingers along the barrel, "I had to kill my parents. They tried to eat me." He looks sad for a moment before saying, "cool. I'm not the only one who had to kill their parents then." How can he be so calm about killing his parents? Is he insane? Most likely. I mean, he thinks dressing like a zombie means he is less likely to get killed. Stupid idiot.

We reach a small bungalow and Theo uses his shoulder to open the door. The smell of dead meat greets me when I enter the kitchen. A body of a man who looks like an older version of Theo lies on the floor, covered in blood. A small tattoo is hidden behind the ear. Theo catches me looking at it, "it stands for Theo in Japanese." He turns off the kettle and hands me a cup. "Now I've let you in the house, you have to tell me about yourself." Great. Just what I wanted to do. Opening up to a weird but cute stranger.

"My name is Leo. Short for Leonora. I'm originally from England. I moved here around a year ago. The rifle belonged to my dad who taught me how use it 6 years ago when I was 10. Both my parents work for the tech company Of This World. Oh, and I nearly shot a human today."

He stands there, looking as if he was contemplating his whole life. The silence become more and more awkward. I quietly sip the hot drink, wishing I hadn't said anything.

"I was confused about your accent but now it makes sense. My dad worked for that company. I think I remember you from that office party." I nod. "I think I remember you too."

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