6. Because you are too beautiful

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It's been a week, and the wound is not that painful anymore, but it's still there. It's quite the cut Nico left on my eyebrow. The image of her winking at me after the game can't seem to leave my mind. No matter where I go or what I do, she is there. I don't understand why; I think it's because she is the most annoying person I have ever met. She is so arrogant and self-confident. I shake my head, and my friend Lynda turns to me in not sure how to react.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah," I answered as I turn the car into a different path. Lynda has been bugging me the entire week to come along with her to this party. Ewen is going to be there, which is the reason she is so eager. I honestly don't want to go, but she is my friend, and that is what friends do for each other.

"It's here," She points at a house, where a lot of cars have already parked around the driveway. I find a free area and stop the vehicle. She rushes out the door, not even bothering to wait on me. I sigh, feeling the abandonment in my chest as she steps inside the house. As much as I wanted to stay behind in the car, I couldn't deal with the loneliness.

I entered the party, the smell of beer and smoke lingering in the air. Boys and girls are standing around with a cup in their hands, and a few dancing to the music. I search around for my friend who left me, but she is nowhere to be found.

"Wilder!" I heard someone shout my name, and I turn around to face Tray, which I haven't seen since he moved over to the other school a couple of years ago.

"Hi," I grinned, feeling relieved that I found someone I know. He looks different, his hair color has turned to a darker blond, and he is much taller than I remembered.

"I need someone on my team," He told me, pulling me along with him to the table tennis table.

"I can't," I said, knowing he wants me to play beer pong.

"Please," He begged me, and I bite my lower lip. I can't believe I'm considering this, I'm the one driving, but then again, I am pissed at Lynda for leaving me.

"Sure, why not," I grinned, needed to let myself lose a little. It's not like I ever let myself live a little anyway.

"Awesome," He said, and I watch the other team of two unknown guys throw the first ball. It hits the cup, and Tray indicates for me to drink it.

"Fine," I grumbled as I pick up the cup and drink it all up. Not sure if I want to throw up because of the awful flavor of the beer. It's disgusting.

As time went by, we played a couple of times, and I decided to stop because I couldn't take it anymore. Not just that, everything started to become blurry as the more I was drinking. I'm not feeling so well either. I stumble up the stairs, searching for Lynda. I hope she is sober so she can take me home. I step down the dark hallway, trying to keep myself on my feet. I rub my blurry as, but then feel that I walked into someone.

"Hi," I heard a familiar voice say, and I narrow my eyes, trying to make out the figure in front of me.

"Are you okay?" She asked, but when I see it's Nico in front of me, I feel something coming up. I place my hand over my mouth. Then I feel a pull on my shirt, and I'm being dragged into a bathroom. Everything that I had in my stomach deiced to come back up as I bent over the toilet. It keeps coming out, but then I managed to stop myself. I fall on my butt, not able to stand on my feet anymore. This couldn't be more embarrassing now, could it? I frown at the awful taste in my mouth but also at how sore my throat has become.

I push myself up to my feet but feel myself falling to the side.

"Hey, careful," Nico says, holding me up. I gaze into her eyes as I have finally gathered my vision again. I notice how the brown color is circling the iris and how the green is exploding around. It's like the perfect mix of colors in there. I realized what I am doing and let go of her indicating that I can stand independently. She keeps her hands up, though in case, which I find rude. I look down at my hoodie, and it smells like puke. I start to pull it off but lose balance.

"Wilder, umm," She holds me up again.

"Let me help you," Nico offers, but I refuse her. She takes a step back and waits patiently on me as I take off my shirt. I didn't think this through now, did I as I stand here in the middle of some stranger's bathroom with someone I barely know with nothing but my bra. I couldn't take the smell of my hoodie. Nico smiles, friendly and tolerantly at me. Why is she even here?

"Here," She pulls off her sweatshirt and hands it to me, standing there with a t-shirt on.

"I don't want it," I argue.

"I don't think you have a choice Wilder," Nico smiles, but I found her gazing down at me. She saw that I caught her in the act and tried to push over her sweatshirt again.

"Fine," I mutter, taking it, and as I try to pull it over my head, I stumble to the side but feel a pair of hands holding my waist, which made me freeze in my place. Her hands on my naked skin shot goosebumps all over me. She keeps me steady with her warm hands, and I slowly pull the shirt down my head. But I miss her touch right away as she let me go.

"All good?" She asks me, and I nod, avoiding eye contact. Because I have no idea what she is doing to me, the worst part is that I know she isn't doing it on purpose. Nico is not the problem; I am.

I step away from Nico to exit the door; I can't be around her. She is creating something in me that I do not wish to explore. I lean my back against the wall and slide down with my eyes closed. Everything is spinning, my head, voices, and music. It's become too much.

"Wilder?" A hand on my knee takes my attention. Nico looks at me worriedly, but I turn to the side to avoid her.

"Look at me," She says.

"I can't," I answer, closing my eyes as she placed her hand under my chin to make me watch her.

"Why not?" She asks lightly, but as drunk as I am, I open my eyes and stare right into those mesmerizing brown, green. I take a deep breath as it feels like I'm drowning in them.

"Because you are too beautiful," I blurt out, and her eyes widened with surprise.

"Thank you; I guess," Nico chuckles at me.

"You are drunk, Wilder, and I think you need to go home," She tells me, and I can only shrug in response.

"Let me take you home," She says, pulling me up, and she lay her arm around my waist. We stumble down the stairs. I have no sense of direction as my eyes feel heavier than usual.

"You need to stand," Nico tells me as we step outside, and the fresh air feels nice on my face. We reach a car, and she pulls out her key to unlock it. She opens the door for me and helps me inside. Not long after, Nico puts herself in the driver seat, and I lean on the door while closing my eyes.

"Wilder, where do you live?" She asks, but I'm too far gone; the worst part is that I know it.

"Wilder," She pulls on the shirt, but I ignore her. I want to sleep, and I hide my face on the sleeve of the sweatshirt. It smells good, and it's comforting. I listen to the car start, and I fall asleep to the movement.   

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