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What was she doing here?

The mansion was looming over her like a giant ready to stomp on her.

The wrought iron gates were shut close.

Rita couldn't help but keep staring at the gate , hoping he would somehow emerge and notice her .

But why would he notice her?

Even if he noticed her standing and gawking at his house, he would never recognize her .

She didn't look like a whore now.

She didn't feel like a whore now.

Not once did she reach for makeup or wig or nails. Everything about her was natural now.

She knew she was beautiful. Rosette said "If I was a man i would marry you". The sweeper told her "How pretty her almond eyes were." The owner told her "Gals would kill for a body like yours".

But. . was she beautiful enough to take her place?

The brown eyed girl. .

She had never been the jealous kind and now? Oh how the mighty fell. .

And fell she did.

In love.

With a stranger .

All he did was smile and be polite.

Rita sighed, the wind playing gently with her hair. If only she could show him-

Show him what? That she was more beautiful than that girl ? More sexy?

She shook her head at her sad sad thoughts.

What a fool she was. .

A lovestruck fool.

She shouldn't have come here. It wasn't her place. She didn't belong here.

She wasn't the brown eyed girl.

Jealous. . She was jealous of her. Taking that majestic man all for herself.

All Rita wanted was his smile.

Nothing else.

A smile a day will keep her misery away. .

God! She felt pathetic! Fed up with her own cynical thoughts she was about to turn around when she saw his car screech to a stop in front of the gate.

With her mouth open, she gaped.

She couldn't believe her luck! He was here! Breathing the same air as her!

Rita couldn't see him . All she saw was the back of his car and his silhouette.

This time she was going to say hey remember me? This time she would not melt in fear or embarrassment. After all the past should stay in the past.

Quickly, she fixed her dress and was about to walk towards the car when she saw a shock of brown hair .


| Allie |


What was happening? Was i really being kidnapped? Or he was trying to scare me?

I dug my flip flops in the ground but that too didn't work. He kept moving like a storm.

Destroying everything in his path.

His hand had moved from my wrist to my palm, his fingers sliding in mine , his palm pressed against mine as he pulled me behind him.

This hand holding was so intimate , I nearly lost my balance.

The Curious Case Of Dennis (Boys From Hell #1)Where stories live. Discover now