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I stopped breathing.

There it was!

Plastered on the notice board for the  entire school to read. Skimming over the note, I could feel the dread settling in my bones . All I could think was. .  I thought I had gotten rid of this ! My heart  thumped so loud, I could literally hear the rush of blood  . My palms went clammy , my lips went dry.

No. Freaking. Way.

This isn't how I imagined my first day after summers. It was happening. It was happening all over again!

"Hey? you okay? You look a bit . .pale?" A girl with curly brown hair asked. I could see the concern flashing in her eyes.

I nodded absently because I couldn't talk. Mentally, I was somewhere else. My brain was assessing and finding solution.

When trouble is around the corner, your brain immediately starts to look out for escape routes.

"Are you sure?" She asked again.

"Y-yeah." I bit my lower lip. " I'm fine."

I wasn't even close to the word fine.

The girl shrugged her shoulders and walked away.

Students were milling in, filling in the hallway. Some were standing beside their lockers telling each other about summers and me?

I was trying not to hyperventilate.

My gaze flickered towards the piece of paper again.

Memorizing each word. And I had no doubt at it.

It was happening.

All over again.


The new school I moved to, I was struggling to make friends. Everyone does. Making friends is so hard. I had to leave my best friend behind. We texted each other and Skyped every night but it wasn't much for me.

When your best friend falls in love, all she wants to talk about is him.

I was genuinely happy for her but sometimes. . .I wished we could talk about us. Still, I was glad I had her. Being the loner I was, I had to be glad for her existence.  Beggars can't be choosers.

I checked my wrist watch.

Ten more minutes to go. .

Mia was still absent. She was my. . . friend.

Mia Thompson is the only friend I have in this school.

She's a nerd.

Mia is a certified nerd. A beautiful one at that. I befriended her because she helped me on the first day and she knows about him. That's how we got together.

My classmates were pouring in. I always came ten minutes early so I could get my favorite seat. I loved sitting at the end of the class.

I used to sit at the front but it builds up pressure on me. I had to look proper , nice and alert.

So I always get the back seat. That's how I like it.

Seats were filling up and then I saw Mia making her way through crowd. Her glasses perched up on her nose and her huge backpack slinging around her shoulder.

I waved my hand in the air and her face brightened up. Swiftly, she made her way towards me — hitting a guy with her bag— and sat down on the seat I had reserved for her.

"Oh my God! It's a fish market!" She exclaimed, breathing hard.

We weren't apart this summers. We actually got a part time job at a boutique so it's not like we were seeing each other after summers.

"I know. Try not to puke ." I said in a dry voice. She laughed.

"I would love puking on Zack though." She winked, her hazel eyes turning towards the star of our school.

Zachary Smith was the it boy of our school. Golden boy. A handsome guy that ticks off everything on a girl's chart.

Too bad he was the poster child of a man whore.

Mia was blabbing away about a movie she saw last night that reminded her of Zack but my heart thudded fast when I saw the teacher arriving.

Mr Wilson's bald head sparked under the lights. He closed the door behind his back.

It's okay , Allie. .

He is not here.

Someone must have played a sick joke. He is not here!

That little piece of paper flashed across my eyes.

"Dennis Anderson is back from suspension . He shall be attending his classes from 12 October 2020."

How could he worm his way back to school? How could the school accept him back? How can the school let him ruin my life again?

Dark eyes flashed like thunder in front of me.

I had to blink to morph the image away.

Mr Wilson turned towards the white board.

"Class turn to page 72." His voice boomed around the class. " We shall discuss how—"

The class is filled to the brim , Allie.

It's obvious he didn't come. Someone must have done this for jeering. God knows there are enough assholes in this school to last me a lifetime! Only one year and i will be out of this hell !

I was so absorbed and so busy in lecturing my heart that I didn't see the door being kicked open.

Everyone froze.

Mr Wilson nearly dropped the marker.

My hands clenched into fists. I could feel the heat on my face, the thud thud of my racing heart. I could feel Mia's gaze burning the side of my face.

No. .

I closed my eyes shut.

It can't be him!

And then I heard his deep rich voice .

That's when I opened my eyes and it was him.

My stomach churned.

It really was him. .

Dennis Anderson . His dark inky eyes settled on Mr Wilson, I knew he was assessing him. Whether to humiliate him or let him live? His equally dark hair  falling in his eyes making him look rouge . His branded clothes spoke about his wealth. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows , making the sinewy veins on his arms stand out. He was taller than Zack was , his broad shoulders made him stand out in a crowd.

He was every girl's daydream but my nightmare!

He lifted his dark gaze , searching.

I know who he was looking for.


He was always looking for me.

Every girl got excited when his gaze touched them a little . I held in my breath , I kept my head low.

But I knew he would find me.

He always did.

The second I looked up, his eyes connected with mine.

My breath got caught in my throat.

His full lips lifted up. I got his message loud and clear.

I found you, Allie.

Hastily, I dropped my gaze.

The guy who made my life a living hell was back!


The Curious Case Of Dennis (Boys From Hell #1)Where stories live. Discover now