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| Allie |

There is one place on earth which will always be at peace.

The library.

It's my most favorite place in this wretched school. If I have to think, I come here. If I'm angry , I come here. If I want silence, I come here.

Fortunately Mia was absent, she had to run some errands and leave early. She's the daughter of a single parent. I have so much respect for her mother. Mia told me how her father dumped her mom for another woman. I knew I was getting late but my parents weren't home so . . .

My parents run "Black Wood" , that's a home decore company. Both of my parents are crazy when it comes to decore. I didn't get to style my room, my mom did it for me.

My parents were both busy bodies and had rarely any free time but I never got bitchy or needy about this. I totally understand  their situation. Sure, I did get lonely sometimes but I am a certified loner.

I liked being alone.

Maybe something was wrong with me but I was programmed this way.


I was so absorbed in "Molecular weight" that I didn't even hear the chair being pulled back.

A familiar cologne made its way to my nostrils and my spine stiffened.

Do not look up Allie!

Ignorance is a bliss remember?

In my peripheral vision I could see the outline of his profile.

I checked my wrist watch. It was about to get 5.

"Is molecular weight more interesting than me?" His smooth voice ruined my concentration as usual.

I flipped the page .

"Interesting and in limits."

He chuckled. " Why do you always think the worse for me?"

With him around, I knew I couldn't concentrate. It was useless!

That's when I slammed the book shut and glanced at him.

Dressed up in a black T-shirt that brought attention to his broad shoulders. Washed out jeans outlining his long legs. Dennis had a way about him, he was effortlessly handsome. His aura screamed expensive. The slash in his eyebrow somehow added more to his appeal. Dark eyes were watching me intently, hanging on to every word I say.

The air suddenly cackled between us, becoming alive. I had this strange feeling that  if he got near me, I will be electrocuted.

"Because you force me to. Because you can never do anything right in your life ."

I watched his face closely for reaction and I could see the frost in his eyes. Spreading, over shadowing his dark irises.

For a second I thought he wasn't breathing.

And then he smiled.

A smile that would break any heart but not mine.

"Is that so Allie?" His voice was void of any emotion which was disappointing because I wanted my words to hurt him so he could back off!

"Fortunately without a doubt." I answered and then I stood up while he sat rigidly staring at nothing particular.

I took my bag and book then I started to move . I had to finish my assignment or Mrs Johnson will have my head on a spear and—

I gasped when I was whirled around, my back about to hit the wall when I felt his hand right behind me, taking the hit . Before I could blink or make sense of the situation, he had me prisoned between his arms!

I was trapped against the wall, his hands on either side of me, a breath of space between us! My chest was raising and falling because of the adrenaline while he had that lop sided smile on his face that I was beginning to hate.

"What the hell?!" I snapped trying not to move or inhale his expensive Cologne!

"Do you even know what hell is like ?" He asked , staring in my eyes like he wouldn't stop until I answered!

"I can see it right in front of my eyes." I said venom dripping from my voice.

He shook his head, his jet black hair falling in his eyes.

"Hell is ," he wasn't touching me yet I felt his touch everywhere. " burning alive and you can't even see the fire. That's what hell is like."

I stared at his face, if it was any other girl she would have fallen for this utterly handsome guy but I was Allie .

I wasn't any other girl.

I rolled my eyes trying to show that his proximity wasn't affecting me at all. That his words weren't making me confuse and scared at the same time.

I didn't want him to know that his intense eyes were my hell. They were burning me. And I couldn't see the fire.

"Get. Away. From. Me." I said calmly. . I feared that I was getting breathless. He was stealing my breathes! I was getting short of them!

"I'm doing exactly what you think of me. . I'm doing what you ask of me." He mocked .

"I can never ask you for anything!! You're nothing for me! A big fat nothing!"

Suddenly he grabbed my arms, snatching me close to him, so close to his warm body.

"You're everything for me Allie. There's nothing I want more than you . You're my  hell. . hell never looked this beautiful.  " His voice turned husky, our breaths mingled with each other. Our hearts raced against each other.

His eyes were unrivaling. Undressing my soul . Too much. . Too much!

Time stopped.

Heat spread up all over my body, making me feel alive.

His desperate eyes searched my face until they landed on my lips. Without a thought, I bit my lower lip and his eyes darkened.

This—whatever it was. . .it was too much. .

Too intense. .

Animalistic. .

Primitive. .


Possessive. .

"I don't love you , Dennis. I never will. It's just not possible." I said gently and watched the fire die in his eyes, watch the vulnerability leave his face.

He was closing off.

I could see that.

For a second his grip on my arms tightened and I winced . That grabbed his attention, his eyes went to my arms and he loosened his grip.

Those inky dark eyes turned into molten brass, scaring me . Dennis had never hurt me . He had never done anything that could cause me harm but to see that steel erupt in his eyes. . It frightened me to the bones.

"Very well. If you don't love me, that's your problem. I love you and that's my problem. I'll solve it my way. I love you and nothing in this world can change that. . .I'm not an insolent bastard. I'm a bastard in love. You ask of me to move on? When none of these girls have brown eyes like you?. .  None of them have frown lines like you. .. None of them reminds me of the moon. None of them rips my soul  like you do."


The Curious Case Of Dennis (Boys From Hell #1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant