37. Staying Behind

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Song: One Eye Open - Lola Blanc




"It may be a little earlier than expected but it's time to put the wheels in motion."I nodded again.

"Yes sir, what do you need me to do?"

"Another day?"

Jamie nodded and grinned as he took another bite of his toast, making me almost believe that last night was a dream.

"I mean, why not? Our business is taken care of, one day can't hurt right?" He said, an unrelenting grin on his face as if he wanted to smooth things over from last night.

Did he believe my lie?

"I guess," I said, suspicious of his jolly attitude.

I glanced over at Mano who seemed to be so invested in cracking open a hardboiled egg that he hadn't heard our conversation.

"Mano? What do you think?" I asked him, amused by his childish antics.

He looked up from his egg wide-eyed, clearly not expecting to be interrupted.

"I, uh, what?"

"Jamie was talking about staying here one more day," I replied, barely holding back a chuckle.

He glanced in between the two of us and slowly nodded.

"Okay, we can do that."

Jamie's face broke out into a grin as he turned his face to me and started rambling about all the things he had planned for today.

I nodded absently as he went on, only talking when he asked for my opinion, my mind instead wandering to everything that happened the night before.

I caught Jaekyung's gaze as she sat next to her brother, silent as ever.

"Are you going to stay?" I asked her, cutting off Jamie.


She looked down at her pancakes and covered them in syrup, not elaborating.

"Why not?"

She looked back up at me, her face impassive as ever.

"I need to get Haneum out of the country and to my aunt's house. I'll be off for the next week."

I nodded at her words, they made logical sense but something seemed off. She always acted detached, and silent but this time felt different, as if something was wrong.

Something that I couldn't place.

I glanced at Haneum who seemed to be in his own world, oblivious to the conversation taking place and the food on his plate, staring into space.

I briefly wondered what it was like to have your sister kill your father.

With a shrug, I turned back to my empty plate and stood up to wander the breakfast buffet. Counters were piled high with any type of food that a person could want, so much food that it made my stomach hurt just by looking at it.

I turned the corner and into the healthier section of the buffet, spotting the wide array of fruit and rushing over to shovel kiwi and mango on my plate.

"You really like fruit, huh." A low voice interrupted from behind me.

I whipped my head around to see who the owner of the voice was, surprised when I saw that he towered over me, reaching over my shoulder for a small bowl.

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