14. Spaghetti and Secrets

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Song: Terrible Thing - AG





He took ahold of my waist and gently made sure that I was sitting comfortably sat, telling me to open my eyes.

And I did.


What I saw took my breath away.

He had sat me down at a small circular table, in the middle of the room peppered with lavish and seemigly expensive decorations

The room was dimly lit which only helped in accentuating the rich red walls.

Small lights, which resembled that of fairy lights, hung from the walls making it seem as if we were in a completely different world.

None of that compared to the view. 

Large glass doors had been opened, letting a breeze float through the room and gingerly tickle my skin. 

A second place had been set for Romano, which I couldn't help but notice was next to me instead of opposite. 

I had always been infatuated with the night sky and the view from the table was exactly that, beautiful twinkling stars. 

Whilst others liked the sky because of its beauty, I admired it because of the reminder it gave me, that we were all insignificant, and however strange it was, the thought comforted me.

"How do you like it?" Romano's voice rang through the room, jolting me from my stupor.

I looked at him wide-eyed as he slid into the seat next to me. 

Unable to answer his question, my mouth opened and closed, no doubt resembling a fish.

He gazed at me for a few seconds before letting out a deep chuckle.

"I'm glad you like it, would you like to start eating or shall we wait for a few minutes?"

Why couldn't I bring myself to talk?

Thankfully, Romano didn't take it as an intentional way to piss him off as he let out another laugh, a little louder this time.

"Carota, as much as I would like to sit and admire your beauty in silence, I much prefer the beauty of your voice."

Now-familiar heat rushed into my cheeks as I sheepishly looked away, turning my gaze towards the starry night sky before speaking.

"I've never been on a date this lavish before." my voice was softer than I expected it to be, almost as if it belonged more to the wind than to an assassin.

I looked back over to Romano to see that he had a mildly surprised look on his face.

"Jamie never did anything like this for you?"

I didn't miss the slight venom laced in his curious tone at the mention of Jamie's name. 

I smiled slightly at his jealousy.

I still had it.

"He took me on dates, sure, but never anything as grand as this, I don't think MI6 would've allowed it, they hardly accepted our relationship in the first place."

Romano's mouth opened to respond but the opening of the door and a shuffling of a waiter silenced his response for a few seconds.

The server didn't speak when he opened the bottle of red wine that was bathing in cool water, filling up Romano's glass slightly so that he could taste it, before filling up both of our glasses to the appropriate amount.

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