8. Training

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Song: Violence- The Unlikely Candidates





I asked Romano to show me a place where I could train my body and he happily obliged, leading me to the biggest indoor gym I had ever seen.

Finally, I thought, some alone time with just me and my knives.


As i walked into the room, I spotted a few targets and decided that instead of working out, I would release my stress by target practice.

I swaggered to the other side of the room picking up a small set of knives off the wall where they had been hanging. 

I put one in the palm of my hand, feeling the weight of it, then I dragged my finger across the blade. 

It was sharp.

"Carota, will you indulge me in a game?" Romano asked from across the room.

I snapped my head up. 

There goes my alone time. 

He slowly strode over to where I was standing and picked up a knife from the set I had grabbed.

"A game?"

"Si, porro, a game. To get to know each other better."

I mulled it over. 

I liked games but only if I knew I was going to win, losing just pissed me off.

"What kind of game?" I questioned him, intrigued.

He smirked at me, "you seem to have taken an interest in the targets so we will do a game centred around that."

He took a short pause, using the time to add some dramatic flair by pointing at the targets, his leg sticking out.

"Whoever gets closest to the centre either gets to ask the other person a question or can ask them to do something for them. Each round the winner will get to choose the weapon for the next round."

I nodded, taking it in. 

It was basically truth or dare with higher stakes. 

If we played with knives, I would win, but if guns were involved I would be at a disadvantage. 

This guy was a mafia don so he obviously was experienced, I knew that he was exceptionally skilled with guns but I didn't know his capabilities with knives or any other weapon for that matter.

He was at an advantage here.

"Who gets to pick the weapon for the first round?"

"We will use these knives here." He gestured to the knives that I had taken off the rack earlier.


"I accept."

Romano's smirk grew into a grin. 

He picked up one of the knives and weighed it in his hand like I had done not so long ago.

"I'll start, cavolo."

He sauntered in front one of the targets before bringing his arm back and letting the knife fly through the air.

I held my breath as it neared the target, this was the moment of truth.

A metallic sound rang out in the room as the knife clattered on the floor.

He hadn't just missed the centre of the target, he had missed it entirely. The hilt of the knife hit the target instead of the blade, sending it flying to the ground.

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