27 April 1853

11 3 0

It has been awhile since I last wrote, I managed to put the bunker door back, clear the bodies into the secret room and clean up. I am still in shock about what has happened, I am unable to sleep and prefer not to eat, These last few days have been quieter than normal, I am now fully alone in this cold, harsh world. All of my close family members are deceased and the rest live elsewhere, I have no contact with any of them, I bet they don't even know I am now an orphan...

For most of the day I just stare at a wall where I have made tallies of how long its been, At night I make bean soup or just plain beans for dinner, then attempt to sleep. Without father and Teala my routine is very straight forward, there's not even the slightest bit of fun or mischief. I guess this how many vampires now feel, lonely, like they're no longer welcome in the world, Most vampires will probably be found and killed, not me, I plan to change the world, not by convincing them that we are good and friendly. No, I plan to take action, I will show the world not to mess with vampires! I will make the lord and his wife wish they never killed my mother and put us in hiding where my father and Teala were killed. 

I want revenge and I will get it!

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