12 April 1853

19 5 2

Today my father told me and my sister Teala, that we were going into hiding, I didn't understand what father had meant until we were venturing down a ladder into a bunker 16 feet below our front garden. My father said he had knew this day would come, so he had prepared. He quickly moved around the dirty small bunker packing away preserved food and moving dusty bottles of water aside onto old, weathered shelves. My sister Teala and I waited until he was done, to ask why we were in a bunker and where was our mother? Father answered in a sad tone that humans had waged war on our kind, and had hung our mother in the middle of town.

Teala and I could not believe what we were hearing? Humans waging war on us? But we are humans... at least that's what I was told for the entire 14 years of my life. My father sat down and gestured that we do the same. He told us how Vampire's had lived in secret for many years after they had destroyed and wreaked havoc in villages, While vampires remained hidden they avoided humans and did not hurt them. But 2 full moons ago a vampire had attacked the lords daughter. He then waged war on all vampires.

Teala asked nervously tugging at her hair, "What has that got to do us?" I knew what answer she was hoping for, and to be honest I wanted to hear the same thing. Father took a deep breath and told us that we were vampire's on our Mother's side of the family. I gulped and walked over to a small cracked mirror and looked at myself, Was I the monster that terrorized villages years ago? Am I a monster too?

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