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      Season my night with your comments.🥰🤣😂             


Looking at my Dad in the hands and embrace of another woman made me realize that a book shouldn't be judged by its cover. I had a flash back to the last discussion I had with Dad and my Mum. All the lovey-dovey treatment he gave her and the lots. Am I dreaming or something? Is he not my Dad or this is the wrong car? I asked myself, used my right hand to rub my eyes, and went to the back of the car to check the plate number. All along, they continued their business and didn't seem to notice me. Lost of words and action, I stood a few steps away and watched them untill I heard someone give a low cough. Immediately I turned my head, I came face to face with Todun who used her palm to cover her mouth. I grabbed her hand swiftly and dragged her a few meters away from the car against her muffled protest.

"What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be at the party." I asked her as we walked along and she snatched her hand away from me.

"My Mum called me and that place is too noisy." She answered and glared at me.

"Did you see anything?" I asked to be sure if I was the only  one who saw that or it was just me hallucinating.

"You mean your Dad and Remilekun's aunty?" She pointed towards the car where we could still see the faint reflection of the light in it.

"You didn't see anything."

"Excuse me, I am not blind and I don't plan on pretending to be."

"You have to pretend, not a word about that to anyone." I yelled.

"I certainly don't look like a talkative, do I? She yelled back.

"We can never tell, I replied and dragged her to where my car was parked." I was totally shaking by what I saw but I didn't have the nerve to show it to her. I couldn't imagine how heart broken my Mum will be and how confusing my sister will find the situation. Telling my Mum will mean I came all the way from America to damage the good family. I sat at the drivers side and held on tight to the steering wheel, something in me wanted to pull it so hard so that will pull off and I was feeling uneasy wanting to let out all my frustration on something but Todun was right there beside me.

"You know I will understand it if you cry." She said nerveously.


"Because, I will do the same if my Dad should be in that position." She sighed. "You should tell your Mum about it." She added.

"I won't, I don't feel like."

"Why don't you?" She inquired and frowned at me.

"Because I don't want anything to happen to that family she built for years,  this will definitely break her down." I sighed heavily because I knew she had a point by telling me to tell my Mum.

"So what you mean is that you will keep that a secret and watch your Mum get deceived? Are you sure your conscience will allow you to let her suffer?" She asked aloud, as if I wasn't sitting right beside her.

"She isn't suffering, she is fine and he loves her." I said, not to her but words of reassurance to myself.

"He doesn't, if he does he wouldn't do that." She said and pointed to the direction his car was parked. Lost of words, I looked at her and sat back in the chair and just then, his car was driven out of the compound by his driver with him and his mistress.

"You see that." She pointed to the car. "And you are here saying he loves her." She clapped her hands together.

"You cannot understand, you won't understand since you father lives far away. You can't understand what it feels like when you are caught in the middle." I yelled in anger and punched the steering. I felt embittered at the thought of what he was doing and has done to my Mum.

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