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Five days and still counting, my mum has refused to talk to my dad no matter how much he apologizes and even tell his family members to plead on his behalf. Each day, my mum remains in Kemi's room crying her eyes out like a child. The chubby, lovely and always smiling face I used to see has turned to a face that beholds sad emotions. The house became unusually silent and even worse whenever Kemi left for work. In my mind, I silently prayed for my parents reunion and also school resumption.

The election was drawing nearer and that made dad become persist in making sure he had mum on his side. Even his family members had made several phone calls to my mum asking her to forgive him but all proved abortive. He had cheated on her and she wasn't going to let him off the hook easily. The thought of her getting to know the truth made relief wash through me and even though she was sad and emotional, I felt at peace because I wasn't hiding any secrets from her. Todun's DNA results further gave me more reason to be happy with myself, it came out positive; meaning she is the daughter of her father. I can't still believe there was a time I thought the DNA results will be tampered with.

I was seated in the living room, scrolling through my phone and taking glances at the television. These actions are what I do each time I am at home without any company, my book seems to have gone into oblivion because I could not just concentrate reading them. Kemi had gone to work as usual and Mum was in the room taking a nap. I took the remote from the table and changed the television channel. I stared hard at it as a news headline appeared. The strike has been called off after several considerations and we could now go to school. I almost jumped to my feet in excitement but stopped when I saw the housemaid approaching with a tray in her hands.

"I can't remember asking for anything." I muttered as she placed the tray on a stool.

"Yes you didn't, but madam asked me to give these to you." She said as she poured fruit juice into the cup. She still cares after everything, I thought as the housemaid made to leave. My mum is surely a wonder woman.

"Okay thank you." I replied as I dipped my hand into a bowl of chin chin and stuffed my mouth. I felt my phone vibrating on the chair as a message entered. Thinking it was Todun who finally replied a message I had sent to her earlier in the morning, I quickly picked it up to see my dad's message, informing me that he was at the gate. I wondered what exactly he has come to do this time or maybe my mum has given him a call to come home.

I replied the message and tossed my phone back on the chair, still trying to call the housemaid so that the tray of chin chin and fruit juice could be returned to the kitchen, I heard a loud honk blasting the air as the gateman ran to the gate and uttered curse words on whosoever was disturbing the peace of the community. If only he knew it was my dad, I churkled and walked to the window. I adjusted the curtain to have a better view of what was going on outside.

Dad's car was driven inside by one of his bodyguards who was behind the wheels and behind his car came a black jeep that I could not really pinpoint who it belonged to until I saw two of my uncles and my aunty alighted from it. On the faces of my uncles wore their usual smile which has been imprinted in my mind even though it has been a long time I last saw them and on my aunty's face was this frown that will scare a ghost. They all looked older than the last time I saw them. I wondered if they had been doing well and if my dad would have brought them home if he didn't have a disagreement with my mum .

A light tap on the door reminded me that we had visitors and that I should be at the door welcoming them. I let go of the curtain instantly, took my phone from the chair and nodded to the approaching housemaid who came for the tray of chin chin I was savouring a while ago. If only dad didn't choose this time to appear, I will still have it in my mouth and most likely washing it down with the juice. A light tap again, followed by the echoes of voices and my mummy at the door post of the hallway that led to Kemi's room, I rushed to the door and opened it to reveal my dad in his usual agbada regalia. Dressed like that, not looking remorseful and with a smile plastered on his face, like a devilish character I see in films, I knew he wasn't getting my mother's forgiveness anytime soon, not today.

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