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  This chapter is dedicated to adesewa_x and Theiconicafricans for the covers. I really appreciate the kind gesture.


Having been in school for two weeks, I have been able to drive to different locations on my own without the guidance of Akorede nor Funsho. Matriculation was in a few weeks time and we were told to upload some of our documents to the school portal in preparation for it.  After telling Akorede who was busy on his phone where I was off to and in the absence of the casanova Funsho, I grabbed my key and left the house to my destination.

I got down from my car and went to a cyber cafe. The crowd of students at the place made it difficult to interact with the owner one on one. So, I went to another cyber cafe that was less populated and settled down to what I wanted to do.

"Excuse me, how do I go about this one?" I asked the guy operating the laptop and attending to me although he kept answering absent mindedly.

"You should arrange those files so that it will be easy to upload them all, your birth certificate first, then certificate of  your state of origin. You should just look at the list." He looked away and continued tapping on his laptop.

"I don't get you, which list?" I asked him not sure of what he was saying.

"The list of what to upload that was pasted in your various departments, didn't you see that?" He gave me an unusual stare before answering another girl sitting by his left side.

"Good afternoon sir." A girl greeted the cafe guy. She was tall but not as tall as I was. As she talked to the guy her gap teeth was on display. They continued talking while I looked on expecting them to stop so that I will finish what I was doing.

"So you were saying something." I cut into their conversation not minding what the cranky cafe guy thought of me.

"Todun kindly help me to show him that list, some students don't seem to know the reason they are in school."  He scoffed while I stared at him feeling the urge to hit him because of his last statement but I remained glued to the bench as the girl he asked to help me approached me.

"So what are you finding difficult?" She asked me as she took off her bag and placed it on her lap after sitting down. She unzipped the bag and brought out a note book which she flipped through and stopped when she got to the last page where she wrote the things that were required.

"Thank you." I collected the note from her and picked the ones I had from the file, while she helped.

Having finished what I was doing, I entered my car and ignited it ready to drive off when I saw the girl who helped me earlier waiting for a taxi. I drove to where she was, parked the car and wined down the glass.

"Todun right?" I asked her wanting to be sure I got the name right while she answered in the affirmative.

"Thanks for the other time."  She said you are welcome, exposing her captivating gap teeth neatly caved in between her white and fine set of teeth.

"Where are you off to, do you mind if I give you a ride?" I asked her and tried opening the door.

"Queens Villa and I still want to have a stop over somewhere. So don't worry about me." She tried dissuading me.

"I insist or I won't leave this place and I will take you to wherever you are going." I opened the door and she smiled.

"Okay, if you insist." She opened the door wider and hopped in. Settling herself into the passengers seat comfortably. I started the car and we drove to our destination. First we had a stop over at the shop where she wanted to buy something and as I waited in the car, Funsho surfaced from nowhere.

"Kunlexy, America somebody. What are you doing here?" He opened the door and sat where Todun was sitting before.

"Same thing you are doing here." I scoffed at him and tapped on the steering.

"For real now, you can't be here to do what I came to do. Abi you carry bae come." He rolled his eyes and I coughed slightly. I looked outside and I saw Todun approaching the car. He followed my gaze and laughed.

"You are fast o, you don hook somebody quick quick." He laughed again.

"Can you hold it in for now? I am just trying to be grateful for something." I signalled to Todun to enter the passengers seat at the back and I started the car.


I laid on the bed in my room and read a PDF file on my phone. Akorede laid down in the bed also and jotted something down into his note pad as he looked at his laptop. Funsho on the other hand, had gone for lecture so there was no tongue to wag on any unnecessary topic.

We were in that position for a quite a long time in utter silence until my phone rang and my Mum's number was on display. I sat up from the bed and picked the phone. My Mum's humorous voice rang out from the other side as she asked about my welfare and the preparations she had made for my matriculation even though I told her it wasn't much of an event. While talking on phone, Funsho entered the room tapped me and entered the kitchen and I continued the conversation with my Mum who went on to tell me about the latest development on the senatorial post Dad was campaigning for before she cut the call.  Funsho came back to the room with a plate full of rice. He ate the whole lot in silence and gulped down a sachet water. He sat down for a little while and stood up without carrying his plate. Something he does almost every time and it gets on my nerves.

"You have got to take that plate back to the kitchen." I tapped him as he was about to stand up.

"Why na?" He grumbled. "I can do that later." He tried to move but I held him back. Seeing that I was determined in making him carrying the plate that instant, he bent down and carried the plate while a smiling Akorede followed him to the kitchen.

Funsho must have had things done for him by his maids at home because he rarely does anything without complaining that it's a woman's job to do them. The few things he does without complaining are to take his bath go to class and go in search of any lady that caught his fancy.

He is always talking about girls, if not because of their burst it will be because of the butts. Rarely can you talk about a girl without him knowing her. Sometimes it scares me to talk to him in the presence of a lady.

"This your sister is beautiful o, se you won't link us like this?" I heard Funsho's voice behind me as I swiped through the pictures in my gallery. The picture I took of my sister the day I left the house was on full display and before I could reply, Akorede held his chest and laughed out loud.

"You are not even taking it from a small place. You are taking it from here..." Akorede raised his hands above his head to show the distance. "His sister will buy you and collect change." Akorede said in between his laughter and I pushed Funsho when I discovered he was  gawking at her picture.


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