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This chapter is dedicated to MarvelDan6 afuashi SisiAjoke and b2c3d4. I really appreciate you guys.


I stared at the littered street through the tinted glass as the driver drove the car.  I just arrived from the United States of America to write my JAMB examination against my wish. I had been to Nigeria earlier to register for the exam and I went back to finish up all the businesses I had there. Including that of Ruby, my ex girlfriend. She found it had to suck in when I told her I was returning to Nigeria.

My Dad is a politician in Nigeria and as a way of fulfilling one of the numerous promises he made when he started his political Journey, I am required to attend my university education in Nigeria and there after go for my Youth Service.

I stared in disdain as the road looked dirty and the hawkers sold things in the traffic. I scrolled through my phone and called my sister. She had already graduated from the university after studying Business adminstration. She is now in charge of one of my Dad's company. Like me she was forced to come back to Nigeria.

She picked the call after the second call and was so excited when she heard my voice she then promised to see me at home when she was done at her place of work.


I alighted from the car as soon as the car stopped. My parents stood at the balcony and smiled as I walked towards them.

"My baby has grown taller." My Mum said as she encapsulated me in a hug even though I towered over her.

She was in Dubai when I came home to register for my JAMB. I reciprocated the hug and almost felt choked as she tightened the hug.

"Mum you gonna choke me." I said and laughed aloud.

"Not at all my baby." She released me.

"You look more handsome now." She added   as she looked me over.

"He got that from me." My Dad who had been an audience cut in.

"Sure he must, that's one of the reasons I  chose you." She eyed him playfully.

"Welcome big man." My Dad hugged me as well but not as tight as Mum's.

"Thanks Dad." I replied as I watched Dad's bodyguards taking my boxes inside.

"So tell me how was your last day in the States." My Dad asked as we all walked inside while my Mum had her hand around mine.

"I have to leave to the kitchen now, the food should be almost ready." My Mum said and disappeared into the kitchen whole I and my Dad continued our discussion. Halfway through our meal my sister arrived.

"My one and favourite sibling."  She shouted as she ran to the dining while I walked towards her and hugged me.

"You are now taller and you look like a man than those pictures. I felt so bad leaving you behind. How was your journey and your friends? I am sure Ruth will miss you a lot." She asked me several questions at the same time.

"Not Ruth sis it is Ruby." I corrected her.

"Oh Ruby, how did she take the news." She pressed further.

"That's enough Kemi, you should eat first before anything." My Mum snapped at her and we both went to take our seat. Obeying the table manner rule, we all ate in silence and I must confess that it was such a great meal compared to what I used to prepare.

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