The Awakening

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(I'll be telling this story in the first-person experience form to help with immersion into the character.)

So, it's October 5, 2020, and I wake up to the sound of my alarm piercing my ears. It's time to get ready to go to work. I live in a fairly normal life in an unsettlingly quiet neighborhood. I work as a server (a fancy term for a waiter, trying to make my job sound more important than it actually is), but hey, who is complaining? I guess that would be me. You see, as much as life has to offer, I'm quite bored and struggle to find the motivation to live. Every day feels like a challenge in itself. So I got ready and have already arrived at work. The day seems longer for some reason, maybe because of how quiet it is.

"Guess I won't be making any tips," I sighed. "I wonder what will become of my life. It seems like life is just a big pain in the butt," I exclaimed. I'm not satisfied living in a world that has nothing to offer for a guy like myself. Yeah, sure, I could be gaming, but how does that help my situation? There is no real achievement in accomplishing anything within a game because you cannot carry anything from it into the real world. "This sucks!" I shouted. It seems like my coworker, the bartender, heard me. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Aaah, well... you see, it's just life," I said. "There's nothing wrong with it; maybe it's just your attitude towards it," he said. I pondered what he said. It's possible to think something is worse than it actually is. But my superiority complex isn't allowing me to sit here and enjoy the life of a waiter. Hearing someone ask me if I want to be a waiter for the rest of my life definitely hurt me, but in a different way I didn't expect. It made my feelings go numb, realizing that maybe I was wasting my life away, doing nothing to accomplish something real.

The day is practically over, and I arrived safely at my home. I got myself something to eat and drink as I sat down on the chair to play a video game. As I was nibbling away at my dinner, I started wishing I could be in a role-playing video game because life is somewhat more simplistic and challenges are rewarding. There is much more opportunity for a shut-in NEET like myself.

And oh boy, did a miracle happen... I started dozing off on my keyboard. I felt so relaxed and somewhat happy for no apparent reason.

So I wake up the next day and find myself feeling better, but I feel grass. "Mmm, that's strange," I said. "Wasn't I sleeping on my keyboard?" I thought. I rolled over to get more comfortable, and then the sudden realization hit me. I'm not in my house anymore... I immediately jumped into a standing position and yelled, "Where the hell am I?!"

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