Stabby brother

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Bruce pov

I was holding Azrael in my arms when the feeling of dread. Suddenly the window broke and we shot up in our beds. Suddenly Azrael was grabbed and held by her throat. I was about to lunge at the large menacing shadow. "I wouldn't do that replacement." A slick voice shared. "Michael...stop." Azrael gasped out. "Oh, no sister I won't let you go." Michael hissed. "You replaced me. YOU REPLACED ME WITH THIS PATHETIC MORTAL. NOW YOU BARE A CHILD WITH HIM." Michael roared. "WELL, NOW YOU WILL REGRET YOUR CHOICE." Fumed. Suddenly a sword appeared in Michael's hand and he stabbed it through Azrael's chest. "NOOO," I screamed as I ran forward and kicked Micheal away from my wife. I watched as she fell to the floor. I ran towards her and placed my hands on her wound. I watched as Lucifer tackled Michael to the ground. Mazikeen ran over to Azreal and me I. "Hey Az this is going to hurt." Mazikeen said. "Just get it out." Azrael whimpered. Mazikeen pulled the sword out and Azrael screamed out in pain. Until she slumped into my arms. "Don't worry rich boy she will be okay." Mazikeen informed me. I watched as her chest began to heal on its own. "I am going to KILL YOU!" Damian screeched. "YOU TRIED TO KILL MY BABY SISTERS!" Damian shouted. "Wait What?" Maikeen asked shocked. "OOHH did dear sweet Azrael not tell you?" Michael said. "Yeah, bitch she just told us tonight," Jason shouted. I stayed knelt next to my wife as she groaned. "I haven't been a stab in years." She grumbled as she sat up. "You DARE STAD AZRAEL!" Lucifer shouted. "Aw, you do care," Azrael smirked as she leaned against me. "ONLY I AM ALLOWED TO STAB HER," Lucifer added. "And that was fast." Azrael criticized. "Are you okay?" I asked calmly. "Yeah, it didn't hit my stomach." She groaned out as she fell asleep. "I am getting Azrael to the med-bay," I told the boys. I gently picked up Azrael and walked to the Batcave. I set her down on a bed and Alfred began to look over her. I turned away and began to walk you the stairs. "Sir where are you going?" Alfred asked. "I am going to take care of the pest problem," I growled.

Mazikeen's pov

"Lucifer what if we cut off his wings before we send him to hell?" I smirked. Lucifer's face twisted into a wicked expression.  Suddenly Jason tackled Michel to the ground. "I am going to kill you," Jason growled. Michael was no match for the enraged twenty-year-old. Suddenly Bruce appeared. "JASON." He shouted. Jason quickly halted his punches. Bruce walked angrily over to me. "Do you have your knives?" Bruce asked with a mixed expression on his face. "Yeah, I do money bags. I assume you want them." I stated as I held out a knife. He snatched the knife and before Michael could even react. Bruce held the knife to his neck. "Bruce don't," Dick yelled. I smiled excitedly. "Oh, shit rich boy is going to do it." I chuckled. "If you ever come here my wife or children again. I will not hesitate to rip every limb off of your body. Do you understand?" He growled scaring everyone in the room. Michael nodded his head. When Bruce dug the knife into his neck deeper. "I said do you understand!" Bruce yelled. "Yes yes, I understand," Micheal uttered. Bruce then tossed my knife to me. "Cut them off," Bruce commanded. "Yes sir," I smirked and licked my lip. I stalked over to Michael and began to slice off his brown wings.

Azrael's pov

I shot upright and saw that I was in the Batcave. "Hey Ma how are you feeling?" Jason asked softly. I groaned as I sat upright. "What..happened?" I asked. "The evil twin of Lucifer stab you through the chest," Jason said flatly. "Is everyone else okay?" I asked. "Yeah, we are just afraid for you?" Dick replied. "Are they okay?" I asked with worry lacing my voice. "I believe the two youngest Waynes are perfectly healthy Mrs.Wayne." Alfred insured. I smiled brightly and looked at Damian. "Well, it does seem you are always right Dami," I said with tears in my eyes. Damian smiled and threw himself into my arms. I wrapped my arms around him and laughed as the others piled on top of me. I smiled as they pulled away from me. I saw Bruce walk down the stairs covered in blood. I jumped upright and ran up to him. "Bruce honey what happened. Are you hurt?" I asked. Bruce smiled lightly at me. "I am not hurt love. This isn't my blood." Bruce stated. I felt a sinking feeling in my chest as I realized that my brother was probably dead. I sighed and collected myself. "You did what needed to be done," I replied sadly. "Azrael what are you talking about?" Bruce asked confused. "You mean you didn't kill my brother?" I asked confused. "What no, he is family. Mazikeen cut off his wings so he doesn't hurt anyone else." Bruce stated. "I am so glad no one was hurt," I said smiling. Bruce gave me a soft smile and placed a hand on my stomach.

Three months later

"It's official, I am as large as a bison," I mumbled as I sipped my tea. "Oh come on honey. You are not that large." Bruce said as he read the newspaper. I glared at him across dead in the eyes. Jason started laughing to himself. "Why are you laughing Jason?" Bruce asked sincerely. "Uhh B you just messed up," Dick stated. Suddenly Bruce's face drained of all blood. "I swear I didn't mean what I said." Bruce insured me. I raised my one brow and smirked. "You are lucky that I am six months pregnant. Otherwise, I would have kicked your butt." I smirked. "Ah wow Ma almost swore." Jason teased. "I can swear when I want to." I proclaimed. "Alright, I bet you can't say one bad word by the end of the day. I will give you fifty bucks." Jason smirked. "You got yourself a deal."

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