Into the Devil's Home

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Azrael's Pov

I opened a portal into hell and flew down. I closed my wings as the tall walls neared. I dropped into the desolate corridors of hell. "I am starting to remember why I hate it here." I mumbled. The hallways were somehow freezing and burning hot at the same time. The halls were dark and empty. I pulled out my flaming sword and began my adventure through hell. The halls seemed like an endless maze. Screams erupted from the doors that lined the halls. I grimaced at the thought that my son was in his own worst nightmare. I walked for what felt like years. I read the names on each of the doors. "Hello, Angel of Death." A demon said. I whipped around to face him. The demon threw up his hands as I pointed the sword at him. I took in the demon's features and quickly recognized him. "Hello, Desmond." I replied. "How can I serve you?" Desmond asked. "I need to find a boy under the name Damian Al Ghul Wayne." I stated. Desmond raised a brow but nodded his head. "The eleven-year-old, Damian Al Ghul Wayne came in over 100 days ago. He is located on the sixth level." Desmond announced. My mouth dropped at this information. "Why would you put a child on the sixth level. Do you have any idea on the amount of trauma you caused."I growled. "He has killed over four hundred people." Desmond replied. "At the command of the women who murdered him."I hissed. "That does not matter. He is here in hell and will stay here." Desmond growled. I slashed my sword through him and sent him to another dimension. I began running now as I desperately tried to find the stairs. I ran for days and days until I finally found the stairs. I ran down the flights of stairs until I got to the sixth level. I kicked down the door and began running down the corridor. Then I skidded to a stop as I saw a line of demons. "Azrael the Angel of Death, you are ordered to stop." a Demon in armor commanded. "I have faced far worse opponents. Do your worst demons." I said as I held my sword in front of me. The Demons charged at me and I quickly sliced them in half. My sword flamed my way through the army. I sheathed my sword and ran up the wall. I pulled out my bow and arrows and lunched them into the army. The arrows flew around collecting the life sources of the demons. I landed in the center of the army and began slicing through it. The battle lasted for hours as more and more demons pooled through the halls.  Finally, they stopped coming which made me available to go find Damian. I ran down the halls, reading the doors as I went. Suddenly I saw the door I had been pleading for over 300 days. I raised my sword and sliced the door off of its hinges. The door fell down and exposed the room where Damian had been tortured. I saw Damian screaming for mercy, for the demons to stop. They were teasing him, saying that no one could ever love him and that he was a waste of life. I suddenly became so very aware of how hot the room was. I rushed forward and sliced demons in half. Damian screamed in terror at the sight of me. I quickly pulled down my hood and tore off my face mask. I ripped the chains off of his wrist and ankles. Before Damian hit the floor I caught him. He yelped in fear and scrambled into the corner. "Dami.Dami please it's me Azrael." I said as I inched closer towards him. He cried in pain, agony, and just fear in the corner. "Dami.Please, my little angel, it's me Azrael." I pleaded. Damian's cries paused and he lifted his head to look at me. "Umi?" He asked between sobs. I felt tears began to fall down my face as I looked at my injured baby boy. I nodded my head and before I could react. Damian had thrown himself into my arms. Hot tears fell onto my neck as he cried into it. I pressed my hand onto his head and held him close. I opened my wings and wrapped them around us protectively. "I love you Dami." I cooed. Damian cried harder as he lifted his head to face me. I cupped his face in my hands and looked deep into his eyes. "" He said between tears. I felt happiness creep into my heart. I picked him up into my arms and spread out my wings. "Let's go home, Damian." I whispered. He nodded his head and buried it into my shoulder. I walked out of that room and into the hallway. I opened a portal below my feet and jumped through it. We began free-falling through the air. I opened my wings and flew towards the place where my father was telling me where Damian's body was. I flew into Wayne cemetery and landed in front of Damian's grave. I laid Damian's spirit on the ground where it fell into his body. I quickly rushed over to the shed and grabbed a shovel. I mentally told myself to change out of my armor and it faded away. Lighting flashed as I began to dig up my son. My wings disappeared into my back as I unburied him. I heard yelling from within the coffin. "It's okay Damian, I am here." I shouted. I heard him pounding on the lid as I hit it. I punched my fist through the coffin lid and threw the lid off. I sunk into the coffin where Damian was crying loudly. "Damian I am here. Umi is here." I pleaded. Damian opened his eyes and saw me. Recognition flashed threw his eyes and he threw himself into my arms. I began to rub gentle circles onto his back as the rain poured down on us.

Bruce's Pov    

I sat in my room as I had for the past week staring at a photo of Damian. I released hot tears as I cried. When Alfred came flying into my room. "Master Bruce, someone has dug up the young Master's grave," Alfred said with fear. Anger rose in my chest. Talia his murder had unburied him, so she could use the Lazarus pit on him and brainwash him. I stood up and began to run out into the storm. Barefoot I ran to the cemetery. I rushed to Damian's grave and saw the lid thrown across the cemetery, a mountain of dirt rose above the ground. However there were no assassin insight, they had gotten away. Then in the roar of thunder and the rain, I heard crying. I walked towards the place where Damian's body once laid and shock overcame my features. Then sadness, Azrael had unburied Damian so she could hold him one last time. Then Damian's arm itself. I jumped down into the pit where Azrael and Damian sat crying into each other's arms. Damian flinched at my touch. "Its okay Damian, It is your dad." She whispered. Damian immediately clutched onto my arm as he held onto Azrael's waist. I leaned over to shield him from the rain as I began to cry. I heard whispering as Dick, Tim, and Jason leaned over the hole. I looked up at them and mouthed the words. "He is alive." Shock overcame the three. Damian's crying slowed to a stop as did the rain. I looked up at Azrael and noticed how tired she looked. Cuts and bruises littered her face and dark circles lined her eyes. "Let's get you two to bed," I whispered. She looked up at me tiredly and nodded her head. I helped her out of the coffin with Damian in her arms. We walked in silence towards the manor. Alfred stood at the door and looked at us with confusion. "Azrael, honey go to bed with Damian okay," I whispered. She nodded her head and walked up the stairs with our son fast asleep in her arms. "Dear god Master Bruce what happened?" Alfred asked. "I don't know, but when I got there Azrael was clutching onto Damian. At first, I thought he was dead, but then he moved. He was alive in her arms." I stated. "Mom looks like she hasn't been sleeping," Tim said. "Yeah cause you would know how that is." Jason jabbed. "No Jason mom really does look like she has been to hell," Dick added.

Azrael's Pov 

I moved Damian's arms off of my waist and laid him down in our bed. He whimpered at the loss of my presence. I smiled at his expression of love and quickly changed into my pj's. I took Amenaidal's pendant out of my dagger and the flames disappeared. I laid the dagger in my drawer and curled up next to my son. Damian hugged onto my waist and nuzzled his head into my stomach. I smiled and wrapped my arms protectively around his frame. Then I let the blissfulness of sleep consume me.

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