44- Blake's Parents

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He moved to head outside to see if he could get a better cell signal, when a man and woman rushed past him. You knew within one look that they were Blake's parents. His mom is a mess and is crying so hard she can barely get out her information for the nurse at the front desk. She breaks down while digging through her wallet and his dad takes the bag from her and helps find her ID. The receptionist whispers something to the nurse next to her and then turns back to Mr. Gray and tells him:
"The nurse will take you back to meet with the doctor now."


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Mrs. Gray: "Where is my son? Why can't you tell me if he's okay?"

Nurse: "Ma'am, the doctor will meet us in the conference room in private and we will tell you everything we know."

His dad stops dead in his tracks and turns towards Bryce who he has met on multiple occasions:
"Where is Blake's girlfriend?"

You are frozen in shock as Noah and Bryce push you forward. His dad leads you and Blake's mom into the back while you shuffle along in literal shock. The nurse offers you each a chair and sits 3 bottles of water on the table in front of you. She tells you the doctor has been paged and will be here any minute. After she steps outside, you stutter out:
"H-how did yy-you know about me?"

Mrs. Gray: *ignoring your question because she is also in a state of shock*
"I just don't understand what happened... how was he shot?"

Mr. Gray: "Of course. We know all about you and we know you are very special to him. It's only right that you're here with us."

You: "There was a party at his house and someone snuck in as we were sending everyone home and held us at gunpoint."

Mrs. Gray: "Was it a robbery?"

You: *lying because you didn't want to be the one to tell them why the gunman was there*
"No he had a personal vendetta against the boys, but I don't know what it was personally. I'm so sorry."

The dr walks into the conference room ending the questions and sits on the edge of the table and holds onto Mrs. Gray's hand.

Dr: "Blake is out of surgery and he is alive, but we don't know when or if he will wake up

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Dr: "Blake is out of surgery and he is alive, but we don't know when or if he will wake up. The gunshot to the chest bled a lot and there was a lot of damage and we don't know how much until he wakes up."

You couldn't believe this nightmare. Even after the nurse had led only Blake's loved one's to a private room, you had told yourself that he was the one with a mild wound not the one fighting for his life. His mom turns to you and wraps her arms around you and sobs against you. You do your best to comfort her while feeling like you'd just been shot yourself.

Dr: "He will be out of recovery soon and in a room and you can wait in here if you'd like privacy and we will take you back as soon as he's stable."

Mrs Gray: "I'm sorry for being such a mess on you, but you're the girl my son is deeply in love with and holding onto you feels like holding onto a piece of his heart."

Of course he'd told you he loved you, but you didn't realize he felt this strongly about you that he'd told his parents about you. His dad must be able to read the look of shock on your face because he added:
"Sweetheart, he told us over a month ago that you are the girl he's going to marry just as soon as he can convince you of it."

Seeing Stars: A Blake Gray StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora