Chapter Nine

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Izzar and Arthqua advance on her, Izzar pinning her left arm against the wall, and Arthqua doing the same to her right. Their leers and disgusting smiles could make the most secure person feel vulnerable, and for Castella, she almost hurls out her last meal. 

"Stop it right now." Castella growls as her throat stings from the screaming, "I will hurt you."

"Ah, you will try," Arthqua's grin can only described as hideous, "but you will fail."

Castella spits at his feet and shrieks with rage pouring from her voice, "Keep your distance otherwise I'll beat you till your eyes fall out!"

Arthqua looks to Izzar, right before they start cackling with mocking laughter. Castella scowls and then shouts as she feels weak and small, "I'd rather die than be touched by you two!"

This makes their laughter stop abruptly, and Arthqua comments, "Well, I guess you're not going to enjoy this then."

He steps forwards, just to get a foot to the shin, which shoves him backwards into his brother. Izzar pushes him roughly aside before jumping through the air, slamming into Castella. Her head is knocked against the wall hard enough to daze her, but not to put her into unconsciousness. Izzar locks her head in his arm as Arthqua twists around, coming at her slowly on purpose. Castella feels her lead arms try to move, but there's no response. However, her face muscles move, and her nose wrinkles up as her lip peels back in a snarl. Her silver eyes ignite like gasoline poured over a fire, and her eyebrows are pulled down into a deep V. 

This makes Arthqua pause, and he says as he tilts his head sideways, "My my my. You know, your face is so lovely, but when you do that, I'm suddenly not so sure."

He laughs and then shrugs before adding with a sick, twisted face, "I hardly care. I just want to have some fun. That's all I'm asking for."

He advances on Castella, then pauses at the sound of a door opening. Castella peeks over his shoulder to see the masked man walk up to them, leaning over Arthqua's shoulder. 

"May I join the fun?" He asks before Arthqua nods his head, letting the masked guy grab Castella roughly by the neck. His sharp fingernails dig into Castella's throat, and she feels him constricting her. Arthqua chuckles before he draws near, his lips poised to press a slobbery kiss on Castella's cheek, but a huge wave of water comes from the entrance, interrupting the moment. An explosion of liquid sprays over the ground and washes up to the Shifters' feet, making them stare at the mass that comes out of the commotion. 

A big black body with oily scales comes tearing out of the water, fiery green eyes shining like the sun. Arcus's green orbs lock on the three men, and he takes one big step before shoving his talon through Arthqua's body. He lets out a gasp as his face pales, right before Arcus throws him aside, then reaches over Castella to grip Izzar. Arcus transforms into a human while still holding Izzar, his huge hand around the twins' neck. His face is a mask of rage as he reaches up to pinch Izzar's ear, eyebrows drawn, eyes ablaze. He slowly increases the pressure as Izzar squirms in Arcus's grip, but the Shifter is too strong. Arcus ends up pinching so hard his finger goes through Izzar's skin, letting blood spill down to the floor. All the while, Izzar shouts for him to stop, but Arcus is too focused on the pain he's inflicting to hear his pleas. 

Castella moves back against the wall as the masked man gets up, and fits his hands around Izzar's neck, holding him for Arcus. Arcus finishes off Izzar with a loud snap, his neck bones breaking from Arcus's powerful hands. 

Arcus faces Castella and then asks with a lot of rage in his green eyes, "What have they done to you?"

He takes two strides and bends down in front of Castella, checking her over for wounds. His eyes lock on the blood splatter, and asks with a low growl, "Is this your blood?"

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