Chapter Four

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Castella comes up upon Albert's home, the polished and varnished cedar wood looking like Heaven on Earth compared to miles of sand. She guesses it at around forty by thirty feet wide and long, a cozy home for three. 

Now a home for one, Castella thinks as Albert smiles and exclaims, "A home is a good sight at night. Or any time."

"Agreed, Albert." Castella grins before Albert unlocks the door, stepping into a warm interior. Castella appreciates the decor; soft couches, big pillows and some dark colored blankets. She stops at the door as she looks at her feet, muddied, bruised and bleeding from the last couple days. Gritty sand sticks in the wounds, grinding into her flesh with every step as well as dirt and pine needles. 

"What is wrong, Castella?" Albert asks as he stands in the kitchen to the right, working up some food. His green eyes look inquiringly at her, and she responds, "My feet . . ."

Albert comes over and gestures to lift her foot, and she obeys. Albert's green eyes widen in surprise before saying, "Come, I'll clean them. Then we can eat some little snacks before some sleep."

She is going to take a step when Albert puts his strong arms around her, chivalrously scooping her up and not letting her walk another inch. She lets him, allowing herself to relax for the first time in a couple days. 

"How'd you do this to your feet?" Albert questions as he places her on the kitchen counter, putting her feet in the sink. He starts the warm water as Castella's eye catches four magnates on the side of his fridge. All four are names: Animbas, Ulon and Tocuma, and the names are above a big magnate that says: Conatair. 

Castella lies as she becomes suspicious, "I had been travelling in the desert before my acquaintances decided to come here. I forgot to bring shoes, and no one lent me any. We arrived here, and I've been left to walk without footwear."  

"Ah. I see." Albert smiles, and Castella believes that he trusts her. He picks up a soap bar and says what she guesses: "This might sting a little."

"So be it." Castella grins before Albert says with a laugh, "Alright, but don't blame me when you make some faces."

Castella nods her head before Albert puts the soap up to her bloodied and grimy feet, then scrubs almost mercilessly. Castella grinds her teeth together as Albert cleans out her wounds, rubbing harder in the swollen and pussy areas. Castella peeps when his finger nail catches on a flap of skin, and he apologizes, "I'm so sorry, Castella. It seems your feet are falling apart on me."

"On us." Castella laughs to lessen the pain, and looks warily at her foot. It's completely clean but starting to bleed in the irritated parts, and she says, "Thank you, Albert. It looks much better, and I'm sure it will feel better soon." 

"Sorry about the pain." He smiles at her before giving her a cloth to put to the wounds, and adds, "Is there anything I can scrounge up for you? Anything on your taste buds?"

"No, Albert. Well, maybe just a glass of water." Castella smiles kindly at Albert, and he nods his head before grabbing a glass. As he fills it up, she questions, "How long have you lived up here for?"

"Since I was a wee lad." Albert responds before handing her the drink. "Knee high to a grasshopper."

Castella chuckles along with Albert, and he asks in return, "Where do you reside?"

"Well, I guess you could say Calgary." Castella shrugs before downing the water, and laughs when Albert's blonde eyebrows rise inquiringly. 

"What do you mean by 'I guess you could say Calgary?' " Albert pulls her off of the counter and sits her in one of the dark grey couches. He sits across from her in a black chaise chair, then gets up to grab his own drink. As he fills it up, he listens to Castella with cool eyes. 

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