Chapter Two

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Castella whirls around, her silver eyes ablaze. The silver in her eyes is like melted nickles, the heat unmaintainable. She feels her throat tighten with a fiery sensation as she recognizes the voice, and she growls as low as her voice will allow, "You killed my family."

"Only your pathetic excuse for a father. Your mother's fate is in our hands." Arcus replies cockily, his muscular chest expanding in an air of confidence. He eyes the beautiful dragon with a sense of greed overcoming his arrogant manner, and says to Actrino, "This one will-"

"-I have a name, you big ball of filth." Castella snorts before backing away, her tail feeling the ground for pillars. Her eyes never leave the two males, seeing the lusted expression from the huge Western and a underlying hostility from the black hydra as she navigates her way backwards. His three black heads eye her warily, but the gold eyes are curious, unlike the huge Western. The green is like a vacuum, and she finds the depth of them as monstrous as the sky. 

"You are a hydra, no?" Actrino questions as he starts to follow, his main head keeping level to Castella's. She feels a hint of trepidation as she looks to the Western, his complicated green eyes drilling holes in her. 

"No, I'm a six headed snake." Castella rolls her eyes before her back leg finds the edge of the cave, only her claws on the ground. Her scales dangle over the sky, her back legs barley hanging on. She gazes to the huge Western as he asks in his rich voice, "What is your name, then?"

"Castella Altocumulous." She replies before putting weight on her back feet, and letting her body fall backwards. Her lithe body falls in the air as Arcus and Actrino charge forward, and they can only watch as she falls away. She plummets for around forty feet before she twists around in the air, her silver eyes taking in the snow that's drawing very close. She's about to smash into the ground when her huge white wings spread, and she halts abruptly, dropping into the snow. She burrows into the snow for camouflage and goes deep, at least ten feet into the white substance before pausing. The cool snow presses into her scales, but yet feels no colder than a breath of air. She takes a deep inhale, her rage boiling at the forefront of her mind. She wanted nothing more to kill them both as soon as they all made eye contact, but she knew two to one wasn't favorable odds. 

She continues on, digging through the snow with fervor. She's going to keep plowing through the snow when the Western dragon comes into the tunnel, racing up behind her with a dangerous glint in his eyes. Castella almost swears as she launches up from the snow, smashing into the underside of Actrino. He grunts as her bony shoulder blades dig into him and her wings temporarily blind him. The distraction is enough for Castella to loosen herself from Actrino's grip, and she moves out of the way. He has enough time to look up, just before smashing into a massive snow build-up, putting him out of the chase. 

Castella chuckles as she pushes herself to a faster pace, but then sees a massive shadow coming down at her, and ceases chuckling. She dives to the right just before Arcus crashes into the snow inches from where she last was. The snow explodes in a massive display, the white eruption covering the black scales of Arcus's body. Castella lets out a loud bellowing roar of satisfaction before flying up into the sky, abandoning the thought of hiding. She flies back over land, toward the Kara sea off of Russia's chilly coast, a hopeful place of somewhere cold and far away from her father's death scene.   

Arcus shakes his head from the snow and cobwebs, and tilts his massive head out of the snow just in time to see Castella's weak form flying over the ground, gaining feet every second. He lets out a low growl of anger for letting her dupe him, thinking about how foolish he was for not charging her. His anger fuels him to rid himself of the snow, and pushes his huge body out of the mound. He sucks in the crisp air, his huge lungs expanding. He twists his head sideways as the sound of wings reach him, and Actrino lands beside him. Arcus just stays there, soaking in the cold weather before bunching his legs up, and launching into the air. Actrino follows suit, catching up smoothly as he flies alongside the muscular dragon, although he's stiff from hitting the snow at such a speed. 

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