Chapter Eight

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Hurikan stands underneath the entrance/exit to Clan Calvus, Cirro by his side. She doesn't want to stay, but she will not be allowed to leave. Even if she tried she wouldn't get out. Arcus's guard dragons are eight by the entrance, the biggest hydra dragons with the biggest tempers. They would never let her leave.

"Where is Arcus? You'd think for finding his mate," Cirro grinds the word 'mate' out, "he'd be ready to go."

"Easy, Cirro. These guards don't bode well with Arcus's name being misused." Hurikan stresses gently, his blue and grey eyes focused on the big hydra that has his fangs bared. After Hurkian gets the sentence out, the hydra's fangs disappear, and he goes back to his normal snarl.

Cirro shakes her head and then hisses quietly, "I don't want you to go. I don't like anyone here except for you, and now you're leaving."

"You know I'd stay." Hurikan says as his eyes flash in anger, "But Arcus gives me no space to make a choice. I would love to stay, trust me."

Cirro dips her head before saying, "But I'm more afraid of what Arcus will make you do. I don't want you to be hurt by anyone if you get into a fight."

Hurikan nods his head before whispering so she can only hear, "I don't actually mind the thrill of a hunt. But Arcus believes that lie, and I'm going to keep it that way. When he punished me a while ago, I made sure it seemed that my worst fear was to kill. He now uses that as my punishment, and I act as if it bothers me, but it doesn't."

Cirro feigns sympathy for a show to the guards, and says, "That's awful, Hurikan," before winking with her eye that only Hurikan can see. He nods his head before Arcus's deep baritone voice comes from behind them. 

"You're here, Hurikan. I went searching for you." Arcus says before the guards step aside, allowing the muscular dragon to pass. 

"Why would I be anywhere else, Arcus?" Hurikan asks politely, though he feels like snapping his jaws out of anger.

"I figured you'd be saying goodbye to Cirro. Or trying to hide from me." Arcus gestures for Hurikan to step forward so they can leave. Hurikan bows his head before nudging it against Cirro's: a goodbye. Cirro whispers as he slides his head along hers, "Be careful."

"I'll try, Cirro." He responds before walking slowly to Arcus's side. Arcus nods to his guards, and one of them walks to Cirro's side. As Hurikan is watching, the guard dragon roars with a set of hate-filled eyes, "Shift!"

The tone of his voice and Arcus's demanding glare makes Cirro transform to her human form, a slightly older form of Castella, with more silver in her eyes. Her white dress reaches the ground as her black hair falls to her shoulders, and Hurikan finds his human inside thinking embarrassing thoughts, but they are overtaken by fury.

"Cirro!" Hurikan shouts, his rage evident in his eyes at seeing Cirro mistreated already. He looks to Arcus as the exit puts them outside, separating them from every other dragon. He looks to Arcus and growls, "You scum bag."

"I know, I know." Arcus snarls, his green eyes blazing. "I never get thanked." 

He shakes his head before launching into the air, and Hurikan follows without choice. As he catches up to the huge Western, he asks with his nose wrinkled up, "What am I supposed to thank you for? You just forced my mate to shift."

"I posted a guard by her side so no one would get to her, as well as protecting your dragonet. In her dragon form, the white scales are much more appetizing, so I figured putting her into her Shifter's skin would be better." Arcus snarls over the rush of wind, before adding lowly, "You're welcome."

Hurikan stammers for a bit, trying to think about it all, then gets out clearly, "Thank you, Arcus. That's very kind of you."

Arcus merely gives a humph, and flies on, silent, but his face explaining what he'd like to say. His jaw is slightly open, and his silver tongue is twirling in irritation. His bright green eyes are like green flames, burning with an eternal hatred for something unknown, which has made him who he is. His black fluorescent scales glow under the sun's rays, and he growls, "The last place I saw Castella was a log cabin in Nanaimo. We're heading there."

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