Use Your Words

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Artemis found the neko waiting on the bed, curled up in his usual circle of limbs.

“You didn’t like the game?” he asked quietly, approaching the bed.

Elias liked the game. He just didn’t want to play it without Artemis. But he didn’t know how to explain that, so he remained silent, his eyes staring at the tiger’s stomach.

Artemis sat on the bed beside him, the mattress sagging. They had gotten a new bed yesterday, a larger bed, but Elias still tried to stay close to Artemis while they slept. The cat’s presence made him feel safe.

“You know kitten, you can talk to me. It’s okay.”

Elias shook his head. How could he talk when Reinard couldn’t speak? When the fox would no longer walk or play or eat? What right did he have to carry on with his life as though nothing had happened?

“Can you talk to me? I miss your voice kitten, and I don’t know why you don’t want to share it with the universe.”

Elias shook slightly. He couldn’t even sign properly. But he needed to tell Artemis, it wasn’t the tiger’s fault he was silent.

His arm pulled his tablet onto the bed, hand opening a blank screen he could draw on.

“Ranrd cant tahlk.”

Artemis frowned at the messy writing, trying to make sense of it. Suddenly he reached out, his hand tracing letters under Elias’.


“I know you miss him. I do too. Does it help when we talk about him?” he asked gently.

Elias nodded slightly. He had memories of the fox, both sweet and painful.

“I loved him too Elias. As a friend. Remember the first night we spent at his house?”

Artemis chuckled quietly.

“You were drunk and you couldn’t stop looking at him.”

Elias’ hand traced over the screen of his tablet, copying the name of his lost love over and over again, searing it into his mind.

“He loved your voice kitten. Do you think he’d want you to hide it from the world just because he wasn’t there to hear?”

It was a good point. But it hurt to think that Reinard would never hear him again. But then, Artemis would never hear him again either. Was it right for him to remain silent around the tiger?

Suddenly Elias realised Artemis was hurting just as much as he was. The tiger was his friend and he was Reinard’s friend too. He cared and seeing Elias like this must be hurting Artemis even more.

But the neko still couldn’t talk.

“I know it’s hard kitten. I’m here for you, in whatever way you need me. And if you don’t want to talk, or if you can’t talk yet, that’s okay. I can wait for you,” Artemis said. “I love you and I will do anything I can to help you.”

Tears streamed from Elias’ eyes and he wrapped his arms around Artemis, his face buried in the tiger’s chest. He loved the tiger too, but he didn’t know how to show it without his voice.

The Neko's Tail (Book 2 of Astara)Where stories live. Discover now