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Elias curled up around Reinard, the Faro sleeping in his fox form. The neko’s hand ran down the fox’s body, stroking the coarse hair calmly. He could do this forever and be happy.

A knock at the door reminded Elias that he really couldn’t do this forever.

“We’re passing through the portal in five minutes,” Artemis called through the door.

The tiger had to have heard Reinard earlier. Was he okay with it? Or would he try to kick the fox off the ship?

Elias stood up and Reinard’s eyes opened. The Faro’s body extended, becoming Reinard’s bipedal form, and the fox stretched.

“Hey precious,” Reinard smiled, his tongue playfully flicking over Elias’ hand.

Elias giggled, trying to catch the tongue and Reinard grabbed his hand. With surprising strength for his size, Reinard pulled Elias on top of him, their bodies meeting once more. The neko bucked against the fox, humping him as he gazed into Reinard’s eyes. This was so different from sex on his planet, so… loving.

Gently, Elias leaned down, his lips brushing against Reinard’s. The fox’s mouth opened slightly, his tongue flicking into Elias’ mouth, and the neko moaned quietly into the kiss.

Pulling back, the neko studied the fox.

“You’re staying?”


Elias tried to remember the Common words.

“You are going to stay?” he tried again.

“I won’t leave you,” Reinard replied.

Satisfied, Elias slid his hands under the fox, exploring his back blindly. He was so thin, almost fragile in the neko’s hands, and Elias was careful with his searching.

His hands found the fox’s tail, tugging on it gently. He didn’t know why he liked Reinard’s tail so much. It was different from his own, or even Artemis’, fluffy and big. And it was so fun to play with…

“Is it getting hot in here?” Reinard asked suddenly.

Elias paused in his pulling, realizing the ship was heating up. He nodded, standing up.

The neko grabbed his clothes, pulling them on with a sigh. At least they could continue this later. He hoped.


Artemis smiled at the two as they joined him in the cockpit.

“We’re through the portal,” he said. “The nearest station is three hours away. I suggest you two enjoy yourselves while you can. We will probably be stuck on the station for a while answering questions.”

Turning to Reinard, the tiger asked, “How much do you know about your system’s politics?”

“Not much. I wasn’t really told much by my owner besides shut up and serve.”

“That’s okay. My logs should be enough. Just answer any questions you are asked honestly. Elias, are you wearing your translator?”

The Neko's Tail (Book 2 of Astara)Where stories live. Discover now